100 Excellent Free Games in Bloom! Courtesy of Gnome

One of my Digg friends, Gnome, is a video game fanatic!  He is all about retro games and free games and video games in general.  So, he has this blog that is kickass and that is partly why I don’t talk Video Games here much anymore.  Why duplicate when his content is of the high caliber it is?  When I saw his 100 Excellent Free Games in Bloom post I knew I had to share it with all of you.

Instead of reposting his content, or in other words stealing it, I’m going to share my faves from his list.  I know 100 is a lot of titles but I’ve whittled it down to a handful must haves.  If you want the complete list just click the link above to his post and you can see all 100 titles plus pictures.

That does it for my picks.  Five free games you must have and once you do I know you won’t stop playing them for countless hours.  You’re destined to be up till 3 am and later getting it done.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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