Social Vibe: Help Support American Red Cross for FREE

American Red CrossI am taking a break from blogging about gaming to discuss a very serious topic. I want to talk to you about the American Red Cross.

When the BP Oil spill started, the American Red Cross was there to help the millions of people who lost their livelihoods. When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, the American Red Cross was there helping the survivors rebuild their lives. Any time an American service person is in danger, captured or serving overseas the American Red Cross provides care packages and emergency medical care.

The Red Cross is one of the most important humanitarian organizations to ever grace civilization and it needs your help. We have partnered with the American Red Cross, official subsidiary of the international Red Cross, to raise funds. In our sidebar is a box that says “Help Me Support the American Red Cross.”

Every time you visit this blog please click on the box. You will be asked to read stories, watch short video clips, and otherwise use content provided by SocialVibe (a known and respected conduit for helping charities). It will take less than 10 minutes of your time. Each activity you do allows the Red Cross to give 1 minute of support to those in need. If we all work together we can make a huge difference.

This will cost each of us nothing but a bit of our time. Please join me in supporting an organization that helps our brave men and women as they protect our freedom.

Together We Can Make a Difference!

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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