Tag: Computer/Video Games

ReCast: Electronic Gaming & Censorship – Wargaming Recon #2

Due to illness and scheduling conflicts the Sutherlands couldn’t be on the show. So, NO NEW EPISODE right now. To make up for it we’re sharing this episode from the vault. The classic episode comes to you from the dark ages where the show had a different name. Since this… Read More»

Latinian Expansion – Battle of Pons Meltior

Latinia Major wasted no time in sending its forces into Onzijdigian territory. Legio II under the command of Aulus Appia proceeded south from the city of Flovios and crossed the border. Several cohorts paved the way into enemy held lands. They marched for several hours before coming to a bridge… Read More»

Latinium in Flames!

Ancient Latinium is home to three venerable nations. Populous Latinia Major covers half the realm with a significant populace of over 1 million souls. To the east its neighbor Hamillar Mineraller contains riches of diamonds, iron, and rubies. Wedged into the southern border intersecting the two is tiny Onzijdigia. Onzijdigia… Read More»

Age of Empires 2 HD – Wargaming Recon #116

Age of Empires 2 HD Almost 20 years ago Microsoft released one of the most incredible real time strategy (RTS) computer games ever. More recently they updated and optimized the classic Age of Empires (AoE) 2 to work on modern computers. Age of Empires 2 HD is quite a game.… Read More»