CWF to Interview Mongoose Publishing Owner Alex Fennell

You read that correctly! I just found out today that it is official. For awhile we’ve been saying on the blog and in the podcast that I’ll be talking to Alex. When that was said it was more of a have me in the crowd and ask questions and get info.

Now, it is official that he has agreed to give me some 1 on 1 time with him. It’ll be awesome!

This is where you come in. Give us your questions or comments you want shared with Alex. We’ll take the best ones and use some of them in our exclusive interview with Alex. It will be recorded on site at Danger Planet Games this October using our brand new field equipment.

Give us your questions and comments by e-mailing me at jreinhart (at) gmail (dot) com. Use Mongoose Questions as the Subject so you don’t get filtered into the trash.