Wedding Party Complete…Mostly. Now Church Helpers

by Jonathan the Groom ~ September 9th, 2009. Filed under: Ceremony, Groom.
I promised Steve I'd use a respectable picture but I can't find one and this photo brings me immense joy.

I promised Steve I'd use a respectable picture but I can't find one and this photo brings me immense joy. Steve I'll get a respectable photo of you I swear.

Tricia and I have made a lot of progress regarding those participating in the ceremony at St. Mary’s. She has her matron and maid of honor (what’s the correct plural on this anyway?) and I have my two best men. We’re still deciding on who will do readings, bring up the gifts, and if we’re even having a ring bearer and flower girl. But, one thing we have decided is to have two ushers.

There’s two ways to handle ushers. One is to have them be part of the wedding party. Since we’re keeping the wedding small we decided to have ushers not be part of the wedding party. Instead, they will help us with the important seating of guests in the church. I am really happy to say that one of the ushers is one of my two best friends.

Ryan looking pensive

Ryan looking pensive

My friend Steve has known me for ages and we’re very close. He’s a smart, fun, funny, and charming guy. I am so ecstatic that he agreed to be an usher. This is something he will excel at and I know he will make people feel as home as he walks them to a pew.

I asked Steve awhile ago over dinner at Not Your Average Joes, which I recommend, and he seemed genuinely surprised by my request. Knowing that he will be part of this special day helps me to know that people will be seated expediently and efficiently. There’s an interesting twist to all this. Since my father is one of my best men that leaves my mother without an escort to her seat. She told me that she wants my friend Steve to help seat her. It is a great feeling when everything falls into place.

Jess and her Mini Cooper.  My Explorer eats Mini Coopers for breakfast.

Jess and her Mini Cooper. My Explorer eats Mini Coopers for breakfast.

For the second usher I asked Tricia’s cousin Ryan to lend a helping hand.  Tricia and I met her cousins Jess and Ryan for dinner one evening at the Olive Garden.  Tricia asked Jess to do a reading and I asked Ryan to be an usher.  They both said yes.  We’re very excited that they will be participating in our special day.

Jonathan the Groom

1 Response to Wedding Party Complete…Mostly. Now Church Helpers

  1. Murf

    Your explorer aside from eating mini’s also has an irrational fear of being in reverse.