Podcast Equipment Destroyed…But Have Hope!

As the title says some of our podcast equipment has gone to the junk heap.  In particular, and actually it is the only equipment to suffer, our AHS-515 Headset from Altec Lansing was felled by a mighty fall to the carpeted floor of my bedroom.

The floor broke the two earphone areas, the portions that go onto your ears, making it impossible to listen.  The headset still works but it won’t be suitable to keep.  I just got back from remedying this.

A quick trip to my local Best Buy, there’s one 5 minutes down the road, brought me a replacement AHS-515 headset.  It works nicely and it is not too expensive at $45.  However, I do have a gripe and that is the fall, which felled the original wasn’t severe and the equipment should have withstood it.  It was only 2ft off the ground onto plush carpeting.  That shouldn’t create the damage it did.  I think Altec Lansing needs to create a sturdier and more durable headset especially when it costs $45.

If you have suggestions on better headsets leave a comment.  If there’s something worthy out there I’ll give it a shot.  It has to have a microphone attached to the headset though. I’m keeping the Sony ECM-MS907 for field work and don’t want to use it in the studio.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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