Monthly Archives: September 2006

Warvault Joins Acho Hosting

As of today Warvault has moved to Acho Hosting for its web hosting needs.  Why is this news, you ask, because it sounds boring. The reason, besides giving some major promo to Acho Hosting who is our web host and sponsor for our podcast, is to announce downtime for Warvault.… Read More»

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack

On September 6th we made a post titled “Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph….or Do They?” in which we stated that Warvault suffered prolonged downtime because of hackers. Today we are happy to announce that Warvault is up and running.  Warvault owner Angron found a security hole in a piece of… Read More»

TXG Tau For the Greater Good

I know you’re probably saying, “Hey, aren’t you collecting Tomb Kings for this?” Yeah, I am. However, I also have to finish my Tau army for 40k and figured why not include it here. My Tau are more or less finished. I have about 4k of Tau before the Tau… Read More»

Battle for Medusa V Over – Victors Declared

Recently Games Workshop released the conclusion to its 40k Summer Campaign the Battle for Medusa V. The conclusion states that, as suspected, the Imperial Guard and Space Marines win…yet again. Yawn More interesting is the information that over 60 thousand gamers participated and played more than 92 thousand games to… Read More»