TXG – Tomb Kings Rising from the Sands Pt 2

Hello one and all. This is your friendly neighborhood ^Raven^ reporting in. This is my second post about my Tomb Kings army for CWF Game Discussion’s Inter-System Tale of X Gamers.

I am collecting a Tomb Kings army for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. My short-term goal is 1,000pts with my long-term goal being 2,000pts.

For the first month, September 2006, I bought 2 heroes to lead my army.  A Liche Priest and Tomb King/Prince are requirements.  I need the Liche Priest for my Hierophant and the Tomb King makes my chariots core.

I had $50 leftover from last month because I got everything at 50% off from a FLGS.  That means for October, 2nd month, I have $50 from September plus $40 for October = $90.

I’m spending all $90 on a single big purchase.  Those who read my post from last month will recall that I want to get a Tomb Kings Battalion box.  I’ve gone ahead and purchased it.

It costs $90 and comes with the following:

  • 32 Skeleton Warriors (can arm with bows, spears, or hand weapon & shield)
  • 3 Skeleton Chariots
  • 8 Skeleton Horsement (can arm with bows or spears and shields)

I don’t know how I will arm everyone but I do know that, all belief to the contrary, I’ll have skellie archers.  I think I’ll be using skellie horsemen too and I’m leaning towards them being fast cav.  My modus operandi is to strike fast and be mobile.  That requires a lot of chariots, the 3 from the box will come in handy as will putting my Tomb King in a chariot, plus fast things.

A solid core of shooting will keep my opponent at bay while I flank with cavalary and use them to support my chariots charging.  A couple solid units of infantry, such as one main damage soaker, and some Carrior to kill generals and warmachines plus Tomb Scorpions = nastiness.  I’ll have to do some tweaking to get to 2k.  If I have the points I also want to include either a unit of Ushabti or preferably a Bone Giant.  Plus, I can’t forget the Screaming Skull Catapult.  I know it may seem odd to use a defensive unit like that in a mobile and offensive army using the Shifting Sands tactic.  But, it can really help out.

Below are my purchases:

October 2006 (2nd Month, Startup & October $$)

1 Tomb Kings Battalion Box – $90
Total (without tax) – $90 with $0 left.

Next month I will have $40 to spend.  I’ll likely use that on a box of skellies or a Screaming Skull Catapult.
In the coming weeks I will have updates on my progress, fluff, and hopefully photos. I’ll be relying on your help to choose my color scheme and home base for my army.

Stay tuned for more!

Resources Used

Games Workshop Tomb Kings Online Store

Tomb Kings Website @ Games Workshop

Khemri.co.uk Tomb Kings Forum

Foray into Tomb Kings w/ Tutankhanut Conversion @ CWF

The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser @ IMDB.com

Ancient Egypt by Lionel Casson A Time Life Book @ BN.com

Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs by Zahi Hawass @ BN.com

The Egyptian Book of Living and Dying by Joann Fletcher @ Amazon.com

Ancient Egypt: An illustrated reference to the myths, religions, pyramids and temples of the land of the pharaohs by Lorna Oakes and Lucia Gahlin @ Amazon.com

Warhammer Fantasy 6th ed Rulebook @ Hillcity Comics

Warhammer Fantasy Battles @ Wikipedia

Tomb Kings @ Wikipedia

Araby @ Wikipedia

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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