Imperial Literature: News Update!

Hey, this is Janshi again, with some more exciting development at Imp Lit.

First and utterly foremost is some long awaited news: the Fiction section is now up! Take a look here to find out all about it:

Secondly, the November Monthly Writing Workshop (MWW) Sign Up thread is open, with next month’s theme. Go here to check it out and sign up, if you are interested!

Finally, just a reminder that October 10th is the due date for MWW pieces for this month’s MWW. If you’re planning to join, do so now! If you’re writing, just know that you have 6 more days until crunch time. And if you want a good read, and help some aspiring writers along to boot, come and visit the Critique forum and the MWW 3 Finished thread, which will be posted shortly.

All the best,


About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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