CWF Radio Goes Live!

CWF is proud to announce the new CWF Radio. CWF Radio is an internet radio station found at Listen to CWF Radio.

The FREE internet radio streams many times each week. A schedule is being solidified but you can listen to it every Tuesday from 10-12pm EST and Thursdays 2-5pm EST.

It plays a mix of songs from 80s, New Wave, Metal, Rock, Pop, Alternative, and of course Pod Safe music. Additionally, you can catch replays of CWF Game Casts and DJ Jonathan in a more informal setting.

CWF Radio is happy to take your requests! Be sure to send all requests via one of the following methods:

e-mail:jreinhart (at) gmail (dot) com & put CWF Radio Request in the Subject

AIM: cwforums

As always you can send feedback on CWF Radio by going to CWF Feedback.

We are excited to bring you this new service and look forward to many more enhancements. Remember, CWF is your one stop for all gaming blog, podcast, and now radio needs. You play it, We Discuss it!

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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