New Poll Debates The “Right” Price for Clix Games

We just unveiled a new weekly poll to initiate a debate on the “right” price for clix games. Collectible games are very costly. Clix, collectible minis, and collectible cards use the “gotta get them all” mentality thereby leeching all availability money from hapless gamers looking to get their fix.

I am a collectible gamer and I spend far too much money on collectible games. Their shiny pre-paintedness, the fun poses, the easiness of it all and playing out of box with little effort draws me in. Give the clerk money, rip open box, analyze contents, read rules, play game. This sequence takes far less time than one expects yet costs bundles of greenbacks in the long run.

You can be heard by voting in the poll (booster = 5-7 minis)!


About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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