Happy Birthday ^Raven^ – Here’s Some Blood Knights

Since today is my 26th birthday I’m giving a gift to all of you. Normally I wouldn’t do this being an American where birthdays are about the birthday person receiving gifts.

However, I’ve already received an unexpected gift from VH1. This week they’ve aired their 100 Greatest Songs of the 90s as voted by fans at VH1.com. I’m a huge audiophile, as my Last.fm page attests, and spent my teen years in the 90s with Alternative and Grunge music flowing. Listening to the songs and the stories behind them was a treat and I am glad that Nirvana came on top beating out U2 (don’t get me wrong, U2 is a good band but too political however I won’t go there).

Tonight I have the pleasure of dinner with my fiance, her friends, and mine too. This will be followed by the merrymaking of Christmas, my favorite holiday, and lots of time with family and friends. What does any of this have to do with gaming? Not much actually aside of the tenuous string connecting those events to my birthday and my birthday to this post.

The gift I’m giving to all of you is a package of sneak peeks of the new Vampire Counts models for Warhammer Fantasy coming in 2008. I love the Vampire Counts and am excited about the sneak peeks even if they are Blood Knights and I’m a Von Carstein fanatic. I hope you enjoy them.

Blood Knights Kastellan

Blood Knights Musician

Blood Knights Standard Bearer

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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