Sneak Peek at WordPress 2.4…I Mean 2.5

Coming to a blog near you late January is WordPress 2.4. Oh wait I’m sorry that’s no longer true. The people at WordPress have decided to skip release 2.4 because of New Years and Christmas last. Instead WordPress 2.5 will be coming to a blog near you, i.e. the CWF Game Cast, in March.

If you have a blog running WordPress you will be interested to see the changes in 2.5 and there will be subtle and not so subtle changes in 2.5. Overall, however, the new version won’t noticeably affect you as you visit and read all the content on this blog. However, when 2.5 is released I shall be upgrading to it and that will assuredly result in a learning curve. There’s plenty of time until then but when that time comes I ask everyone to be patient as I re-learn WordPress.

WordPress is an open source project and one of the benefits of that is being able to see behind the scenes of the work in progress. Tubetorial has released a nice vid to show what the backend (i.e. what we use when writing posts and I see to keep this blog operational).


About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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