Fantasy Longbeards Tourney @ Game Haven North Dartmouth Feb. 9

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We are pleased to share an upcoming Warhammer Fantasy event from you for the first time from a store in North Dartmouth. The store, Game Haven Hobbies, is hosting this fantastic event on Saturday, February 9, 2008.

This is our first time sharing any news from this store but we’re highly impressed by their website. It has a strong character and fits in very nicely with the games they support.

Their online forums are a very basic phpbb setup but they seem to do the job. The only downside is that due to an abundance of spambots new registrations must e-mail the store to have their account activated. We’re waiting on that as this article is typed in fact.

The Longbeards Tournament Information

Date: Saturday, February , 2008

Location: Game Haven, North Dartmouth, MA

Directions: Visit their website or call them at 508-961-0007.

Requirements: $10 entry fee, 2,500pt army, 3 copies of your legal army book list, special alternate lists are illegal, show up no later than 10:50am EST, have all materials you need to play (i.e dice, measuring devices, counters, templates, movement trays, army books, etc.)

Details: The tournament will be 3 rounds of play and a lunch break after the first round. The store opens at 10am and all players must show up no later than 10:50am. You need to sign up in advance for one of the 20 guaranteed spots. There will be alternate spots available in case players don’t show up on time. All rules and restrictions are available from the store or their forums.

Prizes: Grand Prize of 1,500pt WFB Army (winner’s choice). Various other prizes for other players.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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