40k Tourney + More @ Total Confusion XXII in Mansfield

For the past 22 years the TotalCon has been providing gaming fun for New Englanders. All the major games, past and present, have made appearances at TotalCon to the delight of thousands of gamers. 40k, WFB, Warmachine, Dungeons & Dragons, Hordes, Confrontation, Starship Troopers, B5: A Call to Arms, all the clix games from Heroclix on and the CCG/TMGs from Magic and Yu-gi-oh to Axis & Allies Minis and SW Minis.

If you’re in the gaming field and you are in New England you go to TotalCon. It is simple as that and this year will be the 22nd consecutive year of its running. There will be a lot happening at TotalCon with a many reasons why you should go. The tourney will take place Thursday February 21, 2008 and end on Sunday February 24th. There’s a lot of registration options available to people but admittance tickets start at $30 for all weekend (Adults), $15 all weekend (Youth), or you can buy a ticket for a single day. Thursday and Sunday is $5 (Adults) and $2.50 (Youth) with Friday and Saturday costing $10 (Adult) and $5 (Youth). We have made the Registration Form available for all of you to download and use. It is a PDF so you need Preview (Mac) or Acrobat Reader to view it. Both of those programs are available for free.

There’s a lot of events to register for and naturally those cost extra. The spotlight event is a 1850pt 40k Last Man Standing tournament on Saturday. It is back to back 6 rounds with RTT rules, pop quizzes, judges can mess with your minds…intense battle for bragging rights and large prize! A $20 registration fee covers all of that for the all day and into the night tournament.

There will be over 220 other events, games, and tournies at the con spread over the four days in Mansfield. You can get more information by going to the Total Confusion website, calling 603-644-0437, or e-mailing TRUTHFROMCHAOS [at] totalcon [dot] com.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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