ForgeWorld Newsletter #205

Check out the latest newsletter from ForgeWorld. There’s lots of great new releases and content for all your ForgeWorld needs.




 Forge World Newsletter #205









Hi There,
We have three new releases this newsletter for the Space Marines and Orks, while here at Forge World we are stepping into high gear in preparation for Christmas. But before we get to the cool new models, I`d like to say a big thanks to everybody at Games Day Italy for making it such a great show! We had a really fantastic time and it was great to meet many Italian hobbyists for the first time.

Alan Bligh

Christmas Ordering
The holiday season is now fast approaching and if you are buying items as Christmas presents we strongly recommend that your order is placed before the end of this month. This is particularly the case if you are overseas or after a large model such as a Titan, Super Heavy Tank etc, in order to avoid delays and potential disappointment.

If you have any questions regarding our products or their availability please contact us on 01159168177 within the UK, 00441159168177 from Europe or 011441159168177 from the US and Canada. 

Space Marine Deathstorm Drop Pods
New for the Space Marines are our Deathstorm Drop Pods. Replacements in our range for the discontinued Deathwind Drop Pods, these hybrid resin and plastic kits convert the Games Workshop Plastic Drop Pod to create one of the heavily armed Deathstorm variants.

Designed by Daren Parrwood, these two model kits, one armed withassault cannons and the other with Whirlwind launchers have revised rules which you can find in our new rules update (see below,) making them deadly strike units capable of ripping apart a defensive line in preparation for the Space Marine’s assault.

The Deathstorm Drop Pods are available to pre-order Now for release the week commencing the 24th of November, and each kit comes with a complete plastic drop pod and resin conversion parts

Rules Update
Available now for download is a pdf rules update for Imperial Armour Volume Two: Space Marines & Forces of the Inquisition. This download revises and brings into line all the vehicles in the book with recent changes in the Space Marine Codex and the fifth addition of Warhammer 40,000, as well as introducing new rules for our Deathstorm Drop Pods.

The download is available Here.

  Ork Warboss on Bike
Also available for pre-order is our new Ork Warboss on Bike, you can see pictures of this enormous model Here. Covered in lavish Orky detail from its huge jet-engined warbike to the Warboss`s chain driven power saw, this model designed by Mark Bedford and Will Hayes, makes the perfect leader for a force of Speed Freaks or can represent any Warboss who just can`t wait around to get stuck into the killing!

The Ork Warboss on Bike is available to pre-order Now for release the week commencing the 24th of November and comes complete with a special resin base.
Events this Autumn 
Forge World will be attending two independent shows later this month, where we will have a limited selection of our stock on offer.

The Frenzy” in Utrecht in the Netherlands is being held on 8th of November.

Scale Model World is being held on the 15th and 16th of November at the International Centre in Telford in the UK. 

New Catalogue

If you would like a copy our 2008 catalogue (which is free regardless of wherever you are in the world), please get in touch with us at our catalogue request email address or give us a ring and we`ll take your address details and get you one sent out.



  Forge World 
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  Phone: 0115 916 8177 
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About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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