Yearly Archives: 2008

WordPress 2.6 Update Completed

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.5.1 version of WordPress to 2.6. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already. Please read WordPress 2.6 at the official WordPress blog.… Read More»

Battlefleet Gothic Special Torpedoes Review

At Battleground Games in Abington gamers have started to return to the realm of Battlefleet Gothic.  BFG is a great game, created by Andy Chambers, and my absolute favorite Games Workshop production.  I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia article for an overview behind the game.  Also don’t forget to get… Read More»

First Glance: White Dwarf #342 July 2008

Previously we’ve done two types of articles for each issue of White Dwarf and No Quarter magazines. We’ve crafted our Quick Picks and Inside series for each of the periodicals to help you decide the value in purchasing a particular issue. Our Quick Picks series highlight five of the best… Read More»

Monsterpocalypse Official Playtest Photos

Privateer Press, the makers of the new game Monsterpocalypse, have released photos of official playtesting.  The pics are pretty sweet giving a nice overview of how the game is setup and some of the new figs.  We’ve made them available below for your viewing pleasure. Don’t forget to ask your… Read More»