Hermes Goes Live

Raven's Avatar

Hermes is now alive. Hermes is the new project from the CWF GameCast, which allows you to more easily communicate with us and allows us to more easily update you with announcements, works in progress, and highlights.

Hermes uses the P2 theme created by Automattic, the makers of WordPress, and espouses a Twitteresque feel. We are able to share text and media with Hermes. Anything from sound files, video, and screenshots can broadcast from us to you.

Although Hermes is a separate project you do not need to register if you want to leave comments. If you wish to be more involved then you are welcome to create a free account with Hermes.

In time you will see us to slowly migrating all announcements from here and onto Hermes. For now you can find them at either location.

We strongly recommend viewing the below video to learn how to use the special shortcodes that work with Hermes and all P2 blogs.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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