This Week in Gaming – October 24, 2010

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We’re doing something a little different this time. There is so much going on that fully covering everything would overload you with information. Instead we’re grouping it all together and giving you the highlights. If you want to know more about a topic we mention, please let us know and we’ll gladly cover it in depth.

There’s some great news about us. We’re officially re-branding ourselves. We hired a graphic designer to craft a new logo, header, advertising artwork, and signature images. We’ve never been graphically talented and this will allow us to better project who we are and what we do. When the re-branding is complete we intend to create business cards, perhaps t-shirts, maybe bumper stickers, and of course new images to use when linking to us. This has been on our to do list for a long time and it will soon be finished.

We’re working to connect with more local game stores. Adler Hobby in New Hampshire has invited us to visit and review them. Adler has a good website and a strong focus on Flames of War. We’re eager to visit them in person but need to schedule the trip. Adler is in Hollis, NH, which is a a hike for us at an estimated 2 hour one way trip with traffic. A long-term goal is to visit every game store, game convention, and major game venue in New England where we will record and review them. That will take a long time to do but we plan to make it happen. Until we get to Adler Hobby please visit their website to learn more about them.

The last bit of in house news is I have been invited as a guest on the Stone Ape Podcast. Stone Ape was featured on iTunes New and Noteworthy list and stars Heron Stone, futurist linguist, and Tom Barbalet, artificial life simulator, gamer, and podcaster as they discuss a multitude of topics in range and depth. We’re working out the details but this will be my first guest appearance on another podcast. Tom is, I’m honored to say, a long-time fan of the CWF GameCast and a major driving force for our recent FoW coverage.

Enough about us. Time to get to the information you really want. How about some ZOMBIES!

Battleground Games & Hobbies Plainville will be hosting the 4th annual Zombie Crawl on Wednesday, October 27th at 6:30pm. Join the fun slaying zombies as you battle through a hive world using the Necromunda ruleset. John Caputo has organized this event every year since its inception and it is one of the most enjoyable gaming events I’ve ever played in. Please read the character building rules. If you don’t have a miniature, then John has some he is willing to lend for the event. This event ALWAYS brings a big crowd. If you can’t make the 6:30 start time still come by. John is happy to include you in the fun no matter the time you arrive. I will be playing in and live-blogging the event. You can follow the fun on Twitter with #zombiefightnight or #zombie.

The Whiz in Westborough has lots of goodies. They have the Das Book preview for Flames of War and the new Legion of Everblight book for Hordes. They held a Warmachine/Hordes Highlander event yesterday, which was a great success. Warhammer Fantasy players will love that High Elf Prince Althran and Skaven Warlord Spinetail are both in stock. The first expansion to Race for the Galaxy has been restocked too!

Finally, I played my first game of Flames of War this last Wednesday at Battleground Games in Abington. I played two 600 pt demo games and am starting to understand the rules. After all these years I’m getting to use my models. I began work tonight on the bases for my scout platoon. I have ordered the Eastern Front book, to replace my Ostfront book, along with a score of Vallejo paints to use on my Panzergrenadiers.

There will be more Flames of War coverage along with a possible review of two basing materials…wood filler and spackle.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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