CWF Game Cast Episode 42: Battlestar Galactica Wiki and J. James Beaudoin

Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss their weeks in gaming. Jonathan focuses on his recent game of Dungeons & Dragons. Tom discusses work on his Noble Warfare simulation. A lively discussion, in which the pair disagrees, of Games Workshop price points for models ensues.

The focus is guest J. “Joe” James Beaudoin and his many endeavors but mainly the Battlestar Galactica Wiki. Joe discusses his work as VP of White Eye Productions, a burgeoning independent comic company where he sheds light on the company’s founding and pending storylines.

He spends time discussing the Battlestar Galactica Wiki from its formation, growth, buyout offer from Wikia, and its future in a post-BSG world. Joe speaks briefly about his work with Propworx, a company that auctions props from TV shows, and his work with

Everyone spends some time discussing funding models touching on Google ads, sponsorship, and the “PBS” appeal that is being utilized by Wikipedia.

Jonathan closes out the show with a plea for listeners to give to the less fortunate this holiday season. He highlights The Whiz on Rte 9 East in Westborough, MA as a Toys for Tots drop off location. Please bring a new and unwrapped toy or game to The Whiz and leave it at the designated Toys for Tots bin. Or, donate your Whiz Rewards and The Whiz will donate 110% of its value to Toys for Tots.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor,, and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of the CWF GameCast and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com.

Jonathan J. Reinhart volunteers in his spare time as PR Coordinator for FrakMedia! Productions in an unpaid capacity.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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