Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show

We want to thank everyone for their submissions to the Name Our Podcast contest. We have ended the contest and chosen a new name. Graham Goodwin of London submitted the winning name of Monty and the Fox. Graham asked us to not send him anything to save the postage and instead give the prizes locally. But, he isn’t going to get off that easy. He is still winning a copy of Side Quest 002 Goblins in the Streets by Imperium Star Games plus a few other surprises.

Our podcast will officially be named Monty and the Fox Wargaming Show. It has its own domains of,, and All three redirect here for our ease, since it is much easier to update one blog and multiple, yet have short and memorable names for quicker access

We received many interesting and amusing submissions. Everyone who made a submission will also be receiving a copy of Side Quest 002 Goblins in the Streets. We want to highlight one contestant, Drew McCarthy, for his volume of submissions. He proposed many potential names but his most memorable is No Badger, No Gnome.

It may take some time for the new domains and our RSS feed (plus iTunes) to update with the new name. As soon as all that is ironed out you will be able to find our podcast under the new name. Please note that we will continue with our existing numbering structure, which will make the first Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show an episode number other than 1. This is to avoid confusing long time fans who remember the CWF Game Cast name.

Additionally, the name of this blog will not change. CWF Game Cast will remain the overarching name for our gaming endeavors. Like The Army Showcase, by Jason Rutherford, we are merely using a different name for our podcast. He uses Tabletop Battlefield and we are using Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show.

Lastly, we have two other bits of podcast news for you. We are now using Downtown by Matthew Ebel as our theme music. Matthew is a very talented Boston-based, Wellesley we think, musician who has created much podsafe music. Please check out his music and give it a try. Some of you may have wondered where the interlude music comes from that we play between segments such as the end of the show and beginning of our sponsor message or self promo. That is part of a piano composition by our very own Tom Barbalet. Tom is also a musician with many fun recordings. Please visit his music page or go to and click on the music tab.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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