CWF Game Cast Episode 49: Tom Takes Over

Host Tom Barbalet’s records a solo show to cover for Jonathan who was sick with the zombie flu (actually, a severe respiratory virus that grossly exacerbated his asthma).

As usual the week in wargaming is discussed. Field of Chaos along with other book titles are mentioned. Tom gives thumbs up to a few of them.

He cites some of his favorite GW models such as Space Orks and Imperial Guard Steel Legion.

Tom reminds listeners about the War at Sea contest. It ends on March 31, 2011. He also unveils his own contest. The Field of Chaos Political Compass Contest will reward four listeners with their own physical copies of Tom’s book…Field of Chaos.

Listeners need to go to The Political Compass, answer the questions, and then e-mail Tom (at with the quadrant (top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left) that you are in.

One winner from each quadrant will receive a physical copy of the Field of Chaos. One lucky winner will also receive a copy of Battlegames Magazine courtesy of Henry Hyde.

While discussing the new contest, Tom reveals his funny side as he good-naturedly pokes fun at Jonathan.

Discussion winds down with Tom mentioning potential upcoming guests including Henry Hyde, (confirmed guest) Neil Shuck, and (confirmed guest) Steven MacLaughlin. Hyde is Editor of Battlegames Magazine, Shuck is host of the hugely popular Meeples & Miniatures podcast, and MacLaughlin is co-host of the amazing Flames of War oriented WWPD: News From the Front podcast.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor,, contest sponsor Battlegames Magazine, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of the CWF Game Cast and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

The intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at

*NOTE* Henry Hyde is the Editor of Battlegames Magazine. Battlegames Magazine is a recurring contest sponsor for us.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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