Inside Battlegames Magazine #26

Title: Battlegames Magazine Cost: 9 GBP or approx $14.73 USD (outside of Europe)

Wondering if the new Battlegames is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #26 covers. There’s plenty of thought-provoking content on generalship and DBA.

This month has 56 pages of Battlegames goodness to feast your eyes on. Use the below table of contents and Quick Picks, in an upcoming post, to guide your visual appetite.

  • Editorial p. 3 Henry Hyde welcomes readers, highlights the contents, and unveils a new contributor.
  • Meet the flockers p. 4 “Diane Sutherland is up to her elbows in green dye as she describes how to mass-produce scatter material for wargames terrain. You’ll never look at pet bedding in the same way again.”
  • Forward Observer. p. 7 “Mike Siggins has got his ear to the ground as always, listening for the latest trends, and concludes with something of a sad surprise”.
  • Rules and the eclipse of generalship. p. 9 “Well-known author of General de Brigade Dave Brown voices some strong reservations about certain aspects of modern rulesets. You’ll either love or hate this one!”
  • DBA at 21. p. 13″Coincidentally countering some of Dave’s arguments in the previous article, respected Dark Ages author and rules writer Dan Mersey celebrates the fact that Phil Barker’s oft-misunderstood De Bellis Antiquitatis ruleset is still alive and kicking after more than two decades, quite a feat for any ruleset.”
  • Command challenge p. 17 — “bridgehead breakout. The second in our new series of scenarios is brought to us by American gamer Bill Protz who, as well as being feted for his encyclopaedic knowledge of the Seven Years War, also happens to be a huge fan of WW2 gaming, and proves it with this exciting early war encounter between German and French forces at the River Meuse.”
  • Treading the boards. p. 22 “Popular podcaster Neil Shuck heralds his new post here at Battlegames with an overview of the current board wargame market, highlighting a plethora of products likely to be of interest to those of you who normally enjoy miniatures gaming.”
  • The Grenouissian Intermezzo, part 1. p. 26 “Many of you are aware that I spent a wonderful weekend umpiring a mammoth imagi-nations campaign and series of games at the end of April, and this is the first part of my report, detailing why and how the undertaking was organised and setting the scene for the campaign. Those of you who enjoyed my Faltenian Succession articles, or are just keen on campaigns, should find plenty to get your teeth into here.”
  • Hidden deployment for Warmaster. p. 33 “The second author to appear to be playing ‘away from home’ this issue is Pete Jones, author of Blitzkrieg Commander, who comes up with some great ideas for concealment and surprise whbich can, of course, be easily transferred to any ruleset.”
  • Recce p. 41 “New goodies reviewed by our team”
  • The Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal: update p. 42″Our campaign to help support ex-service personnel continues”
  • Competition and classified ads p. 42 “Another great competition”
  • Events June-August p. 43 Gaming events for June and July

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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