Battlegames Magazine #26 Quick Picks

Title: Battlegames Magazine Cost: 9 GBP or approx $14.73 USD (outside of Europe)

We scoured the latest issue of Battlegames Magazine and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the best here’s 5 sections you can’t miss. Our top pick is the Rules and the eclipse of generalship article by David C.R. Brown.

Don’t forget to read the complete table of contents for BG #26 from our article Inside Battlegames Magazine #26!

  1. Editorial p. 3. Neil Shuck announced as new contributor for Forward Observer!
  2. Meet the flockers p. 4-6. Everything Diane Sutherland writes is worth reading. She is a major reason why I subscribe to this magazine. This article provides an affordable and helpful way to make tons of flock. If you’re making a game table, basing an army, or adding some green to terrain then this is a MUST READ article.
  3. Forward observer p. 7-8. Mike Siggins hits it out of the park again with lots of gaming interests. His coverage of the Italian Lifecolor paints is intriguing. I am very, very sad to see him go…but what a way to go.
  4. Rules and the eclipse of generalship p. 9-12. I’ve never put this much thought into game mechanics and rule sets. Thankfully, David C. R. Brown did. His article really makes you think about the games you play. Are they worth your time? You’re likely to agree with David or shout shenanigans.
  5. Command challenge – bridgehead breakout p. 17-21. As soon as I began reading this tabletop teaser/scenario I couldn’t get Flames of War out of my head. This would be PERFECT for a larger themed game. Bill Protz ingeniously describes how to play this out down to recommended forces. Beautiful pictures and a gorgeous map provide the necessary eye candy. After reading this I want to rush out and give it a play.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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One Response to Battlegames Magazine #26 Quick Picks

  1. Henry Hyde says:

    Thanks for the review Jonathan — but don’t forget to point out to folks that in PDF format for instant download, the magazine costs considerably less!

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