Name the Podcast Deux

UPDATED: 9/12/11 The contest is now closed.  A winning name was chosen.

We’re running another Name the Podcast contest. Tom’s departure also sees “Monty & the Fox’s Wargaming Show” going the way of the dodo.

Got a cool name for the show?

Send it via e-mail to

Enter as many times as you want, as many names as you want.

The person who submits the ONE winning name wins a prize basket.


1 year subscription to Battlegames Magazine (generously donated by Henry Hyde of Battlegames)
T-shirt with winning name emblazoned on it
1 Gaming CD by Bailey Records (generously donated by Bryan “Stratos” Borgman of Bailey Records)
1 RPG Adventure for either the Pathfinder or D&D 4th ed system
1 digital copy of Disposable Heroes Soldier Statix 4: Napoleonics
1 digital copy of Disposable Heroes American Revolution Statix 1
Plus other surprises!

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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13 Responses to Name the Podcast Deux

  1. Cort Naegelin says:


  2. Cort Naegelin says:


    Sorry, Pressed tab. How about New England Recon or Recci. Did I spell that right? Pertains to New England and Recon for gathering info. Lame?


    • Andrew Malcolm says:

      @ Cort,

      While your suggested title is very appropriate, if I was a newcomer going through a list of podcasts, I wouldn’t bother to download one with a place name in it’s title. I would assume it was only of interest to gamers in the New England area.

      But THE WARGAMES RECON PODCAST would be cool. :-)


      • Cort Naegelin says:

        Yah, I thought of that, but it ties into his loacal coverage. Who cares, I like your “Rumors of War” Better anyway.

        Cort N

  3. Andrew Malcolm says:

    Dear Jonathan,

    How about:


    It’s short, snappy, and summarizes the fact you are talking about wargaming, reviewing games, and interviewing figures from the industry.

    All the best,


  4. Gordon says:

    Games of War New England – GOWNE or GOW podcast
    We all play war games and your focused in the NE area. you might try New England Games of War or Games of War-East coast this would allow you to to cover gaming conventions as a topic of interest from Historicon to Huzzah with either titles. its descriptive and short new listeners can decide interest by just reading your name I have no idea what CFW means could someone tell me LOL thanks I think sometimes abbreviations are not good for promoting try using the full name of what ever you choose it should inform and advertise what your about, hope this helps and inspires you
    Best of luck

  5. Keep the suggestions coming. I updated the prize basket with:

    1 RPG Adventure for either the Pathfinder or D&D 4th ed system
    1 digital copy of Disposable Heroes Soldier Statix 4: Napoleonics
    1 digital copy of Disposable Heroes American Revolution Statix 1

  6. Pingback: CWF Game Cast Episode 61: Bailey Records Music to Game By | CWF Game Cast

  7. Paul Cerra says:

    How about. War gamers intel channel Or. War-games intel channel


  8. Paul Cerra says:

    Or if you really want to make people stop and take a listen. Try. Intercourse of the war gamer

  9. Pingback: CWF Game Cast Episode 62: The Battle of Abington | CWF Game Cast

  10. This contest is officially closed! A winning name is chosen. Details are forthcoming.

    Many thanks to everyone for entering and to the sponsors for providing prizes.

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