Address Changes Gamers Overlook

Anyone who has ever moved knows the ins and outs involved. The paring down of things. The packing of memories. The physical exertion of moving out of one home and into another.

Part of moving to a new home is submitting notification of your new address. The internet has lists of common places needing your new address. The bank, your job, the DMV. For a gamer there are some other places to consider.

Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS)

Many Friendly Local Game Stores communicate with their customers in a variety of ways. Some send newsletters, special deals, and information via the mail. If your store runs a customer loyalty program it may mail you gift certificates or other rewards in the mail. Giving your new address to your FLGS guarantees that you won’t miss those valuable offers

The Library

The Library houses invaluable, free, resources that any gamer can use. Everything from roleplaying books, films, music soundtracks, and video games can be found in the library. Libraries are embracing new technology more than ever but many times the simplest way they can reach you is in the mail. Providing your new address makes sure you will receive reminders to pick up items you requested, return that DVD you borrowed so you don’t owe overdue fines, and flyers for the new board game night they’re running.

Magazine Publisher

Routinely I see a magazine editor exhorting subscribers to notify him of address changes. Many subscribers, regardless of the publication, prefer the physical magazine. But, that is only as good as the information you’ve given the publisher. Give them your new address to avoid disruption of service. This way you’ll get the latest issue of your favorite magazine (White Dwarf, No Quarter, Battlegames Magazine, Wargames Soldiers & Strategy, and Wargames Illustrated to name a few).

If you remember to make these changes you will always have your gaming fix. Do you have any address changes we forgot?

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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