The Move

The move is complete. Last Friday my wife and I moved into our condo. Aside from the movers being an hour late it went well. Numerous trips bringing boxes between the old and new locations completed the move.

The condo is bigger than our old apartment, of a good size for our needs, but only one bedroom. That means I will still podcast near our rabbits. They will, from time to time, be heard on the show. For animals that don’t create many vocal noises than can still be loud.

There are a few gaming world benefits to the new condo as well. It cuts my commute in half, is much closer to The Whiz (in their new location opening on September 1st) with a reasonable commute to Battleground Games in Plainville, and space exists for my very own painting table.

A shorter commute means more free time, which can be spent on a variety of things such as gaming and podcasting. For a long time I’ve wanted to hang out at The Whiz on a regular basis. Its position in Westborough and my then residence over an hour away precluded that.

The painting table has the greatest benefits. No longer will I need to canvas our coffee table for a few hours with newspaper only to completely pack everything away each session. Now the dedicated painting space can be home to works in progress and projects at varied stage of completion. A quick tidying up puts it in good order.

There is one temporary hiccup with the move. Verizon is the service provider for our telephone, internet, and television service (along with our cell phone services). Some of their employees were on strike the past few weeks. That caused new installations to be canceled until further notice. Our service was supposed to be transferred over this past Monday. Thankfully the employees are back to work, and still bargaining with management, and our installation has been rescheduled for this coming Monday.

It is very difficult to be without internet and telephone. My wife and I thankfully have smartphones, she uses a Droid and I’m using an iPhone 4, so we still have limited connection to the world at large. Until our service is installed I cannot blog or podcast excluding tidbits of time I manage using the local library (a savior).

You can expect the usual blog article, updates, and podcasting to resume. As previously announced podcasting will be on hiatus on September 1st. New episodes will not appear before that time.

I look forward to returning to normal and the many gaming endeavors that are shared with each of you.


About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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