(Un)Realistic Goals for 2012

Who doesn’t love to read top 10 lists and goals for a new year?  People make resolutions, companies strategically plan, and websites reveal annual goals.  Not being one that enjoys abandonment in the dust, I thought you would like to see my 2012 plans for this blog and podcast.

Some of the plans are probably unrealistic.  Others are well-intended.  And the rest will be obtainable.

This year I will:

  • Attend gaming conventions.  I am running a game at Total Confusion this February and plan to attend Huzzah in May.  We’ll see if I can expand into a third con.
  • Maintain the bi-weekly podcast release schedule.  Delays have always plagued the podcast.  Looking back to 2006 I see that is true.  This year I aim to stick to my promise of a new episode every other week.  Some exceptions are to be acceptable such as major holidays and so forth.
  • Release at least 20 podcast episodes this year.  A new episode every other week = 26 episodes but let’s face it.  Shit happens.  Putting out 20 episodes means I will deliver 20 hours of gaming audio for your enjoyment.  It will take me no less than 40 hours to make that happen and it will be worth it.
  • Book interesting guests.  Last year 6 guests joined the show for a total of 7 episodes.  This year I want to expand the number of guests to include those on the announced guests plus surprise guests.  I want to invite some past guests back onto the show too.
  • Mainstream t-shirt distribution.  By this I mean that I want to make the giving of Wargaming Recon t-shirts a more common occurrence.  They’re expensive but with increased support I know this can happen.
  • Grow sponsorship.  12-7-Games keeps this endeavor going.  The support of Bill Dettmers and his company is vital to the existence of this blog and podcast.  But, let’s expand!  Increased sponsorship helps to provide the amazing contest prizes, t-shirts, and everything else that happens.  Last year we received support from a myriad of places such as Battlegames Magazine, Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine, TotalCon, Huzzah Con, Bailey Records, and Imperium Star Games.  Many of the contest prizes and giveaways were made possible because of those generous entities.
  • PAINT!  I painted 28 models, 1 building, and 10 bases of FoW infantry last year.  This year I want to do more.  I aim to finish my American Revolution army using Perry Miniatures.  I intend to assemble and paint at least one of my Architects of War terrain pieces, and I plan to finish painting the rest of my Flames of War army (6 BMW motorcycles and 1 Famo recovery vehicles).
  • SAGA.  Buy the SAGA rulebook and begin a warband.  Anglo Saxons are my likely choice.
  • Play.  I want to continue to play Black Powder in as many different time periods and conflicts as possible.  I want to spend time to learn Flames of War.  Dystopian Wars is also on my list along with SAGA.
  • Improve Editor’s Choice.  The Editor’s Choice award is a nice way to acknowledge excellence.  But, it can be better.  It must be better.  It will be better.
As the months fly by you can be sure that these goals will be appended, amended, and altered.  I’m leaving it up to all of you to keep me honest.  Let’s see how I do!

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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