Dedhampton Revolution: House of Reisen

This is a brief posting to introduce the House of Reisen. They rule Dedhampton and her colonies. His Majesty King Felix Drake Reisen has subjects on both sides of Bradford Ocean. His sons princes Wilf Gregg Reisen and Peers Justinian Reisen serve in His Majesty’s armed forces. Prince Wilf commands one of Dedhampton’s fighting ships while his younger brother Prince Peers serves in a dragoon regiment.

The makers of Hexographer also have a great coat of arms creator. Coat of Arms Design Studio allows you to customize a coat of arms in numerous ways. I used the free version of the program to create King Felix’s coat of arms.

Part VII of Henry Hyde’s Wars of the Faltenian Succession articles he wrote for Battlegames Magazine details how to add personality to your campaign. That mechanism came in handy when I raised the 22nd Massachusetts Brigade, which fought in the Battle of Abington.

I used the same device to breath life into the House of Reisen. The results were humorous, to say the least, but it also is an improvement over King George III.

H.M. King Felix Drake Reisen

  • Age: 56
  • Intelligence: 76
  • Initiative: 79
  • Courage: 87
  • Charisma: 58
  • Strength: 1
  • Health: 81

Prince Wilf Gregg Reisen

  • Age: 32
  • Intelligence: 23
  • Initiative: 2
  • Courage: 68
  • Charisma: 75
  • Strength: 64
  • Health: 38

Prince Peers Justinian Reisen

  • Age: 23
  • Intelligence: 36
  • Initiative: 85
  • Courage: 25
  • Charisma: 84
  • Strength: 31
  • Health: 66

As you can see from the statistics above, the House of Reisen is an interesting bunch. In time I will populate the royal family with other members. Naturally, personality will be added to unit commanders, ship captains, and so forth. This is just a start.

In closing, I’d like to place a spotlight on the family’s motto of “Scelerisque Aeternum.” The motto is a little fun for me. It translates from Latin into English as Chocolate Forever. What can I say? I love chocolate.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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2 Responses to Dedhampton Revolution: House of Reisen

  1. Cort Naegelin says:


    What is the climate in your colonies? maybe some Cocoa plantations?

    Cort N

    • I could definitely see cocoa plantations existing further to the south. The current map is aiming for a North Atlantic feel similar to the fickle New England weather and the rainy English weather. Stormy seas, cold winds, etc.

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