Seaward March – Renedra Tents

At Havoc I picked up a package of Renedra tents in 15mm from the Hobby Bunker stall. They’re perfect for my Seaward March, one day American Civil War, campaign that I am running on the 31st. Cort owns a lot of 15mm ACW figures and terrain. But, it’d be nice to have some tents in the event that they’re needed.

Below are pictures of the tents as they got painted.

The tents were cleaned up using a modeling knife and files to remove any flash and irregularities. Then they were primed with Chaos Black paint. When that dried they were basecoated with Khemri Brown from the Games Workshop line of foundation paints. At this point I waited, again, for the paint to dry. When the tents were ready, I dipped them into Army Painter Quickshade Strong Tone. The quickshade instantly shades and seals the model. The quickshade takes 24 hours to fully harden.

The next day I examined the tents. They were ready for highlights. Kommando Khaki was drybrushed onto each tent with the raised areas, and edges, being the primary focus. This was followed with a more severe drybrushing of Bleached Bone. Finally, each tent was hit with a light drybrush of Tallarn Flesh.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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One Response to Seaward March – Renedra Tents

  1. Cort Naegelin says:


    They look good. How are they to paint?

    Cort N

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