5 Tips to Pick the Right Games to Play at a Con – Wargaming Recon #132


Have you ever wanted to go to a gaming convention but didn’t know what to play? This episode shares 5 tips to help you choose the right games for you to play.

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  1. What time is the game?
  2. Who is the GM?
  3. What rules are used/Have you played this before?
  4. How many people can play/Who else is playing?
  5. How involved do you need to be to play?

Via our Facebook page:

  1. Listener pbeccas commented about episode 131 on Youtube saying”I always imagined Jasper looking like a viking.”
  2. Listener Josh sent a Facebook message saying “I am a former radio presenter from Australia and long time listener of your podcast. I am looking at getting into making a podcast from Australia. Just wondering if you would be keen to share some ideas and what not, always great to make another friend in the hobby.”
  3. The Hobby Desk Podcast
    Listener Josh has started his wargaming podcast. It is named The Hobby Desk. I’m proud to announce that it is the newest member of the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network.

    If you are passionate about a topic podcasting is a great way to share that passion. I’m happy to answer questions you may have. Two other great resources are:

    Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com.

    iTunes/Stitcher Reviews

    • Jamie Searle from Norway left a 5 star review on iTunes titled A Great Wargames Podcast saying “I’m really enjoying this show. I’ve listened to about 50 episodes now and found all of them to have real value. The range of topics is refreshing and the quality of production and guests really makes it a good listen. Wargaming Recon is mostly focused on historical miniature wargames, but enough different games and tangental topics are covered that it’s always interesting.”
    • RobertD left a 4 star review on Stitcher Radio titled Historical Wargaming saying “Every episode has some great content related to wargaming in New England. It could be talking about a Convention with one of the directors, holiday buying ideas, or even just doing a mailbag episode.”

    Do You Like Wargaming Recon?

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    Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe

    Some Reminders:

    Troll in the Corner Podcast Network

    Wargaming Recon belongs to the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network (TCPN). You may like some of the other shows on the network.

    Indie Talks – bi-monthly on Wednesdays covering independent games, film, television. Includes many interviews. Hosted by Trollitc owner Ben Gerber.

    Monsters of the Shattered World – monthly on the last Saturday. Story of a young scholar encountering strange animals on another world.

    Promos for the TCPN podcasts appear at the end of the show. Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for the amazing logos. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com

    12-7-Games.com Proudly Sponsors Wargaming Recon

    Need gaming supplies? Please consider our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com.

    Penny for Your Thoughts

    We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:

    Our Theme Song

    Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

    This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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