The 24hr Game-a-thon was November 5, 2016. Jonathan was fundraising to benefit Boston Children’s Hospital. It is never too late, so please make a tax deductible donation if you can. My goal was to raise $250. Extra Life raises money for kids who need medical treatment but can’t afford it. Final tally $581.50 was raised.
The longest-running tabletop wargaming podcast on the planet
Games Played for the Children
- Prison Architect
- NHL ’15 on Xbox 360
- SimCity
- Tropico 5
- Total War Shogun 2
- Operation Squad
- Alex’s dungeon crawl game (he really needs to name this)(Since he hasn’t yet – Josh will have a go….. hmmm….. Crawl before you Run)
Live Streamed Footage
Day 1 – It Begins
Day 2 Part 2 – Piles of Mountain Dew Cans

From Facebook
- Listener Joshua said of Ep 171 Fort Devens Game Day 2016 “Nice job guys”
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Recent Reviews
We will be reducing the number of episodes appearing in our RSS Feed & in your Podcast Players. Being the longest-running wargaming podcast means our feed is GIGANTIC. It has become too large so we had to cut it down. Well not really just organise it a tad differently. Our older episodes will still exist on our website and be available for you to listen to. We will also continue to call back to older episodes as pertinent. Stay tuned for compilation episodes comprised of an entire year’s worth of episodes in a single download – Looks like Josh won’t be getting much sleep!

Patreon backers get the newest episodes FIRST
Don’t want to wait? Support Wargaming Recon through Patreon. It costs as little as $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee.
Thank you to:
- Dave & the Wargames @ BattleShades Facebook group
- Patrick
- Chris Parker of Day of Battle Games
- Kyle from Vermont
$16 away from next Patreon Goal

- We suggest Mobile Users use Pocket Casts ($3.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). $3.99 for Android users.
- Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes.
Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for our amazing logo. Check out his portfolio at
Contact Wargaming Recon
We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:
- (Audio files welcome)
- Leave Telephone Voicemail: (347) 470-4263
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- Find us on Facebook
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- Send a Voicemail (free, you only need a microphone and computer).
Theme Song

“Downtown” by Matthew Ebel is our theme song. Please give his other music a listen at
This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Wargaming Recon is dedicated to the memory of long time listener Andrew who helped to give the show its name. I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor.
That’s a terrible name for Alex’s game. “Jonathan Loots Treasure Chests and Screws Party Over” could work though.