A view from the inside, looking outside, looking inside.

Normally, I write reviews, but I have not been able to play anything or buy much in this pandemic. I wanted to take my turn to write about my thoughts and the few things I have painted. I am sure that many people have painted fewer figures than I. Hopefully, you may find some motivation to keep up on your own hobbies.

My inside:

My inside view is different from most others. I am directly supporting my local response and I am seeing all of this from a different perspective, since I am supporting front line workers. I have been continuing to work outside the house to help get everyone through this. Sadly, this has taken away my time for hobbies.

Looking outside:

In my downtime, I look outside into the rest of the world of miniature games and painting. I have appreciated looking into the lives of the figures and armies that folks are completing. During this lockdown I have seen many people going through their lead mountains (possessive and/or plural depending on the person.) This left me a bit jealous of all time some people have to complete projects.

Looking back inside:

While looking into other people’s worlds, I did find motivation and inspiration to get some work done on my own projects. I started with some random figures to just get me working towards something.

My blue usage is rather high this year.

Projects and support:

Since I have been continuing to work I have been able to help out a few of the small gaming or miniatures companies that I enjoy. My FLGS Adler Hobby had a great idea and has been doing a few donation prizes each week to help keep them receiving income so they can ensure they stay open until everything returns to “normal.”

At the time of this publication, they are still doing donations and drawings and you can check out their Facebook page for details if you are interested in what they are currently offering. They have been offering at least 1 a week that has interested me enough to keep getting tickets.

I did manage to win one raffle and that was pretty exciting to take home some WW2 goodies. These items have been already been added to my lead pile, but that 88 is really tempting. 

Another company I have supported is Things from the Basement. If you are reading this then I am sure you have heard of them, since they are generally featured in the Lumber Mill segment. If not, then they are a US based company that makes great MDF terrain. They have some great historical kits; and they also have some smaller ranges of industrial, fantasy and Sci-fi.

They had a few quarantine themed kits that were on sale and had shipping included. So, I picked up the barricade pack and painted them shortly after they arrived. I am pleased to say they did not make it into the lead pile. The kit is pretty easy to paint and assemble. All the symbols and text are engraved already, so everything comes together quickly. The hardest part was keeping the blue out of the engraved words on the police barricades, that and the fact that 16 of them came in the kit.

Now before you ask about actually shrinking my lead pile; I did get a few figures completed that have been in the pile for over a decade. Mostly a Tau Battlesuit with drones and a imperial priest(pictured earlier)

I may not have the time to complete armies or even platoons; but being able to see people’s completed projects has helped keep me going. I would like to thank everyone that is staying home. The projects you are all working on and sharing is helping bring joy and motivation to those who share our hobbies.

On a side note, my birthday was at the start of May and I was unable to do much of anything. I did get a cool gift from my wife. It is the new LEGO A-wing model that released atbthe beginning of May.

About Robert Dunn

My wargame genres of choice are: sci-fi, medieval and ww2. I am also an avid roleplayer and board gamer. In my day job I am a Cartographer.
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