What you have may have missed.

With everything that has been going on in the world, I am sure many of us have curtailed our spending on new products and have hopefully been able to work through some of our backlog. Even during the pandemic companies are still working on putting out some great new products that should not be overlooked.

I wanted to talk about a few of those upcoming (or recently released) games that I am watching and planning on getting. These will not be reviews but just a few thoughts on why I am interested and why you might want to give some of theses a look and possibly pick up for your own collection. I was also going to add a game from GMT Games but while putting my thoughts together; I found 5 in the P500 preorder list that are worth some extra research.

Let me know if you like this sort of list and I can do another list of just GMT games that are coming out and could be worth looking into.

But back to the list. Here they are in no particular order. If you want to get more information about a game you can click on the picture and learn more.

1) In Her Majesty’s Name 2nd Edition:

North Star Military Figures
£30.00 Hardcover
This is the second edition of the well-received Victorian Science Fiction game published through Osprey publishing by Craig Cartmell and Charles Murton. This second edition cleans up the rules and compiles the three Osprey books into one hardback compendium. This edition is not being published by Osprey, but the new book is well made and full of color pictures. I enjoyed the flavor and background found in the first edition and I do hope it holds true in the second edition.

My French Foreign Legion is ready to get back out on the field and stop the Servants of Ra once again.


2) The Barons’ War

Footsore Miniatures UK

$27.50 USD

The Barons’ War is based on the Kingdom of England around 1215, during the first of the similarly named wars. This is written by Andy Hobday of Footsore miniatures and they have also done two Kickstarters for figures and rules. I have heard that a third for more figures is being worked on currently.

I have always loved the medieval period for books and gaming and this skirmish game is just a siren’s call to me. The fact that kettle hats and enclosed helms could be everywhere, it makes painting eyes so much easier.


3) Ultracombat Modern

Dishdash Games
$49.99 Hardback, $19.99 PDF
This is the next game from Radio Dishdash. This is the modern version of the Ultracombat Normandy, a WW2 game they released back in 2019.

You can play one of three different versions of the game, depending on how many figures you have and want to use. The three “levels” of play are Fireteam, squad and platoon. This allows you play as you collect, or play the scale of game you want.

I have always wanted to get into more modern gaming and this looks to be a good system for that jump. This would let me use my near-future-apocalyptic terrain and figures. Sure, there are going to be some people out there that might think that would be heretical, but that is my intention for the game system.


4) StarGrave

Osprey Publishing

$35.00 USD

Simply speaking Stargrave is just the Sci-Fi version of Frostgrave.

This is by Joseph McCullough the author of Frostgrave and is published by Osprey Publishing. This book is getting the same treatment as Frostgrave, in the sense that it is a hardback book with at least one expansion in the rumor mill. This one interests me because I have always liked the Frostgrave system, but I prefer laser guns over swords and magic.

Northstar Military Figures is once again putting out a line of figures in conjunction with the rule book. They will be doing something similar to what they did with Frostgrave. The Stargrave kits are compatible with Frostgrave kits, so there is plenty of customization options available to you. Having just said that; you should know that you can use any figures you want from your collection to build your crew of up to 10, or the NPC’s that will inhabit your battlefields. Infinity, 40K, Deadzone and many other lines will be seen fighting across their corners of the galaxy.


I would love to hear what you are looking forward to playing or buying in the next few months. Maybe you know of something that I missed from this short list. Put your thoughts in the comments below.

About Robert Dunn

My wargame genres of choice are: sci-fi, medieval and ww2. I am also an avid roleplayer and board gamer. In my day job I am a Cartographer.
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