Behind the Scenes – Wargaming Recon #304

Jonathan and Peter engage in a vibrant conversation where Jonathan, usually the podcast host, steps back to let Peter Bryant take the lead. Peter reminisces about their first meeting at Total Con and delves into Jonathan’s background, uncovering Jonathan’s passion for wargames and the adversity Jonathan faced in Jonathan’s youth. Jonathan opens up about Jonathan’s journey into board games, particularly wargaming, attributing Jonathan’s initial interest to the sense of isolation Jonathan felt as an only child. The dialogue brims with anecdotes and reflections on their shared experiences, underscoring the importance of seizing opportunities and embracing risks. Peter candidly discusses the challenges he encountered in affording his own army in games like 40k, sparking a heartfelt exchange between the two friends.

Jonathan delves into Jonathan’s past finding solace in tabletop gaming, eventually transitioning from Games Workshop to historical wargames. Jonathan shares Jonathan’s fascination with the Tau faction in the Warhammer 40k universe and Jonathan’s exploration of Black Powder for historical gaming. Jonathan credits Henry Hyde for mentoring Jonathan in the world of historical gaming and podcasting, leading Jonathan to establish “The Wargaming Recon” podcast, which has now been running for two decades. The conversation meanders through the early days of podcasting, the era of iPods, and how varied experiences molded their podcasting journey.

Jonathan corrects Jonathan’s earlier statement about the inception of podcasting and reveals that Jonathan’s entry into the realm was through a class Jonathan took on podcasting due to Jonathan’s tech inclination. Initially podcasting about gaming topics and entertaining Jonathan’s class with readings from “The Hobbit,” Jonathan received encouraging feedback, propelling Jonathan to delve deeper into the realm of podcasting. The show’s evolution prompted a rebrand from CWF Game Cast to Wargaming Recon, with valuable contributions from listeners reshaping its trajectory. Memories of a visually impaired listener who passed away and bequeathed castle materials to Jonathan underscore the profound impact of podcasting on individuals. A conversation with Peter reflects on the personal rewards of podcasting beyond monetary gains, highlighting the intrinsic value of relationships and interactions with listeners. Jonathan articulates Jonathan’s motivation for podcasting – striving to positively influence listeners and provide comfort, accentuating the significance of supportive feedback. The dialogue with Peter encapsulates Jonathan’s ability to maintain a positive tone in Jonathan’s shows, emphasizing self-care and mental well-being topics. Together, they unravel the therapeutic essence of gaming for those who may feel alienated by society, seeking solace and guidance within the gaming realm. The episode culminates in an exploration of how games foster a sense of community and clarity within a structured environment.

Jonathan and Peter deliberate on the essentiality of tribalism in human societies, recognizing its historical weight while advocating for acceptance and understanding across diverse tribes. They share personal experiences of marginalization and discovering their own tribes, underscoring the significance of radiating positivity and illumination, irrespective of religious affiliations. Peter reflects on their profound philosophical discussions, juxtaposing Jonathan’s recent decision to remaster a season of the show with Taylor Swift’s approach to remastering musical albums.

Peter Bryant exudes enthusiasm as he discusses his deep admiration for Taylor Swift’s work ethic and talent, despite not being a fan of her music. He lauds her commitment and industriousness, acknowledging the relentless effort she invests in her craft. Jonathan supplements this with insights into Swift’s background and personal challenges, highlighting the songstress’s resilience and dedication to her artistry. The conversation transitions into the backstage intricacies of podcast management, with both Peter and Jonathan reflecting on their experiences steering their respective shows. They touch on the contributions of their team members in the podcasts’ success and accentuate the significance of collaborative endeavors in crafting engaging content. Jonathan elaborates on involving the audience in shaping the show’s content and leveraging technology to streamline tasks. The hosts recount the challenges and time commitment integral to producing a podcast, contrasting it with their earlier engagements in managing live shows and video podcasts. Despite the demands, they express gratitude for their team’s support and the opportunity to engage with their audience.

Peter Bryant reflects on the hurdles of juggling podcast hosting and tech engineering during the nascent stages of live streaming and podcast creation, reminiscing about the challenges of technological management amidst show production. Jonathan and Peter dissect the evolution of podcasting technology, from manually coding RSS feeds to embracing streamlined tools like Streamlabs. They share nostalgic moments of utilizing less reliable tech solutions like Skype in the past. The conversation delves into the pivotal role of Adrian Benson, Jonathan’s late co-host, highlighting his staunch opinions and unanticipated zest for podcasting. They underscore the dilemmas early podcasters faced, from multitasking to budget constraints, accentuating the intricate balance of wearing multiple hats to ensure a show’s seamless execution whilst adapting to technological advancements. As they wrap up, Peter pays tribute to Adrian’s lasting impact on the podcast and reminisces about the joy of collaborating with a fervent co-host.

Jonathan and Peter ruminate on the essence and influence of Jonathan’s podcast co-host, Adrian, who portrayed a persona distinct from his true self. Peter expresses his affection and gratitude towards Jonathan, analyzing how the show has evolved post-Adrian’s demise. Jonathan grapples with the decision to continue the show sans Adrian but resolves to honor his memory and forge ahead, embracing new avenues with guests like Pete Saloon. Through heartfelt discussions with loved ones and a period of mourning, the show transforms and persists.

Jonathan contemplates the endurance of the show, vowing to continue as long as the passion endures, the audience remains engaged, and the financial backing sustains. Jonathan reflects on the impact of Jonathan’s work and the legacy Jonathan aspires to leave behind. Peter Bryant joins the discourse, delving into his experiences of concluding a previous show and expounding on his ongoing ventures in game development and acting. Both convey gratitude for the privilege of creating and sharing their endeavors, urging listeners to champion their pursuits and underscoring the significance of pursuing joy in life. Jonathan alludes to Jonathan’s editing endeavors. The conversation draws to a close, encompassing words of gratitude for listeners and backers while encouraging everyone to persevere in gaming and endorse their creative ventures.

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Our theme song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. The podcast logo was created by Peter Bryant. Audio editing was done by Jonathan J. Reinhart. Show notes for this episode were written by Jonathan J. Reinhart.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.


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Wargaming Recon pays tribute to Andrew, a cherished listener whose invaluable support inspired the show’s name. Let us observe a collective moment of silence to honor Andrew’s memory.

We deeply mourn the loss of Adrian, a longstanding co-host of Wargaming Recon. Please join us in a moment of silence as we remember Adrian’s contributions and the impact he had on the show.

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