Foxbite Hobby Tools – Wargaming Recon #308

[1:02] Welcome to Wargaming Recon. I am your host, Jonathan J. Reinhart. I am so excited to welcome you back to a new episode of the podcast. It is 2025, everybody. Here we are, you, me, our friends, and everybody else here for another calendar year of the podcast. I know we’ve been away for a while, and we’ll talk about that a little bit later in the episode, but I want to dive right in to today’s topic. We’re going to be talking about some hobby tools that you can get from Foxbite Hobbies. So Foxbite is a small business and they make paintbrushes and painting handles. They had sent us some paintbrushes to review and I had also previously purchased a painting handle that I wanted to go ahead and use.

[1:59] And I just want to let you know all of that. We like to share when we get items for reviews or if there’s sponsorships or anything like that kind of stuff. But as you know, if you’ve been a long time listener, right, that doesn’t impact our review, doesn’t sway our opinion, but we just like to be open and transparent about these things. So today we’re going to be talking about this and we’re starting off actually with their painting handle. Now, I know, I know, you’re thinking, wait a sec, Jonathan is going to be sharing some ideas and thoughts about a painting handle? A painting handle?

[2:38] Paint brushes what the heck kind of parallel universe is this well I know I feel it too yo the truth is actually that I was testing these for about five months I started streaming on twitch at the end of June 2024 and i was building lego and painting minis yes i was painting the one who never paints who says, I’m never going to paint anything. I was painting minis. So I have used these and I painted for me quite a lot of things in that span of time. For some of you, I know the quantity of stuff that I painted and even the things I painted don’t even pale in comparison, but that’s okay. I’m running my own race and you should too. So I’m not just drawing these ideas out of thin air. They are actually based in, like I said, about five months of my experience.

[3:33] So let’s talk about the painting handle, okay? Now, I have experience with a few different painting handles. I use the original Games Workshop Citadel painting handle. They have since come out with newer ones. They have an assembly handle. They have like an extra large painting handle. They have a regular painting handle. They have a variety, right? But the one that I started off with was a chonky boi, and they don’t make that one anymore. I used it way back. I thought it was going to transform my painting and my hobbying. For a while, it was very useful, but it did not transform anything for me. Now, the difference here, first of all, is that if you are someone who’s been using the GW one, and you haven’t used any other painting handles out there, so like the GW one, it’s made out of a very heavy-duty plastic.

[4:22] And it has magnets in the side that kind of clamp together part of the top to hold the mini in place. And clearly it is designed and intended for use with GW minis and on GW bases, right? So if you’re not using something like that, it’s not going to work as well for you.

[4:42] Now, Foxbite has you covered, in my opinion anyway. Their painting handle, it’s made out of wood. It’s a nice hard wood. Feels good in the hand it has some heft but it’s not heavy it’s you don’t feel it’s not laborious really is what i’m trying to say so as you’re holding it right you’re holding it and you have your mini on there and you’re painting the mini you don’t have that kind of fatigue from having something too heavy it is just right so that it feels good and when you move it you’re not just going to be accidentally like and go fling it somewhere you know it’s in your hand so it feels nice. It has a good finish on it. So it looks nice as well. It has a bunch of different wooden toppers. So they come in different shapes. There’s circles, there’s hexagons. They also have different sizes. So there’s like smaller ones intended for a single 28 millimeter scale mini, or you could fit a few much smaller minis on there as well. They also have larger ones that are round or hexagon. And when I was using them, I actually used those for, I was doing some really small, I think they’re like 15 mil terrain…

[5:53] I was painting houses and things like that. And I was able to get like a whole little farm yard on it and, and paint it like that. So I found it useful for that. Or if you’re doing say 15 mil or 10 mil, you could get a whole unit on there and be painting it on one of these larger scale, larger size rather, toppers. The toppers are wood, as I said, again, the same finish as the painting handle and they’re not a solid thick chunk that just sits on top of the painting candle. So they are like dremeled out on the inside so that you still have a good size lip going all the way around. So it’s not fragile. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to break on you. It’s solid construction, just like the painting handle is. But on the inside, the underside, actually I should say of it there is metallic wafer or disc and that is adhered on with some sort of glue and then that you take the whole topper and it sticks on through magnetism to the top of the painting handle and so they just they adhere really well and I should I’m I’m looking at one of the toppers right now, and I should just make sure to explain that.

[7:10] The part that they Dremel out on the underside of the topper is just enough to fit in that metallic disc or wafer. They don’t Dremel any extra out, and the handle has the magnet in it, so it is something that gets a good hold. I should say, though, just to kind of put this out there, instead of doing all like, here’s the pros, here’s the cons, just kind of popping it in as we’re talking about it that sometimes the magnetic discs fall out and i had that happen.

[7:43] I’m told it’s fixed in the newer model, but for those who have this older model, or if you have one where it happens that it falls out, it’s really an easy fix. You just get a hobby knife and you kind of scratch up the metallic wafer or disc so that you scratch it up. You put some nice solid glue on it. Super glue is going to help press it down, hold it for a while. It’s going to connect and set and then you can use it per normal so you are good with that the painting handle comes with it makes me think of like a museum putty but it’s some sort of putty so you can use that to adhere your minis to the toppers so that way they stick there while you’re painting I found when I was painting that I was not necessarily gluing the minis to the base and then putting them on the painting. You know, sometimes I was just having a mini and I would do the base separately. And so I would use the putty and I’d adhere the mini to the topper. And that can be challenging depending on the type of mini and how it’s designed. But generally, the museum putty worked pretty well. It held it pretty good and things just kind of stuck.

[9:03] A problem I came across, though, with the putty, museum putty or whatever it is, is that it is so sticky that it sticks really, really well to anything you put it with. So whether it’s minis or the topper, you can get a lot of it off, but it is very sticky for lack of a better word. It just, it is. And so I would spend a significant amount of time going and removing it from the topper or from the mini or the base or whatever. And I have expressed this to the proprietor of Foxbite and they said they’re going to try to work on it and see what they can do. But I just wanted to let you know that if you were to go ahead and purchase this, that you might come across that situation as well. You can absolutely get it off. It just takes a while. For me, the best thing that I did was you grab a bunch of the putty and you just keep using the putty to stick to the stuck putty. So if there’s putty, right, stuck on the mini, you have some other putty and you just kind of keep on dabbing it and it’ll grab putty off a little at a time, a little at a time, and eventually it’ll be clear. So that can be difficult to remove, but you can do it. So I just wanted to mention that.

[10:18] Out of all the toppers, I have to say the hexagon ones were my favorite shape. And it’s going to sound odd, right? To have a favorite shape. Why would you have a favorite shape topper? What does it matter? And why are they even in different shapes? So maybe it’s just my brain playing tricks on me. As we know, my brain does play tricks on me, right? I think all our brains do that, but we know mine does, right? Because I live with anxiety and depression and PTSD and so forth. And so my brain definitely does stuff. I felt like the hexagon shapes were a little sturdier, right? And that they held better to the painting handles. Like the metal discs just were magnetized stronger. And I think part of that is because of the shape, it has that added strength, right? So you probably know that triangles are one of the strongest shapes there are, right? That like they just hold really well. they have a lot of oomph and the circle’s not as much right so I found especially in larger sizes, if I was using a really large circle topper and I put it on the painting handle it could wobble a little like if I’m leaning on it that magnet is not strong enough to keep it because it’s so much material that it could kind of push down and wobble a little bit and wouldn’t be held as much whereas the hexagon was less likely to have that situation so I felt like the hexagon.

[11:47] Was just stronger and more durable that I also think it’s more appealing kind of shape which is silly stupid thing but you’re used to that for me uh but that it can it just it didn’t have as much, excess material because of the shape and so that it was able to hold on more strongly with the magnet, I could be wrong. I could be imagining it, but that’s my thought there. So just keep that in mind. I think they have fixed this in the newer edition. Either way, I had passed that information on to them. They’re very responsive. So hopefully if it’s not already fixed, that it will be. The painting handle also comes with this metal wire. I call it a wire. It’s strong and light, but this metal and on the painting handle there’s three sets of two holes drilled into a side and they go along the height of the painting handle so this metal wire can fit into either set any of those sets and it’s there so that way you can brace your hand against it as you’re painting.

[12:53] Because when you paint right sometimes you need that extra stability so you’re holding the painting handle in one hand and you’re kind of bracing your arms against yourself you’re doing some detail work or something right and then you put in your hand and you want to lean it against something as you’re painting right to try to steady yourself so that wire is there and it can help you to steady yourself you can use it as a guide but it’s there to be useful, for as you paint for me I found although i’m someone who needs as much assistance as possible to steady my hands that that wire just got in my way more often than not so i did not use it i have it on the side somewhere but you can absolutely put it in you could use it if you like to and it could make your life much easier so if you’re someone who likes that go ahead and use it if not you take it off you put it to the side you don’t have to use it it is okay now i have to say for me i have tried some other painting handles i mentioned the gw one earlier there’s this i’ve tried some 3d printed ones um there’s a variety of 3d printed ones out there right and they all have different features they’re all similar ish kind of designs.

[14:08] Some of them have some features, I guess you could say, that make them to stand out one way or the other. But for me, the Foxprite one has been my favorite. So I’ve been using this, like I said, for about five months. It’s superior to the GDW one for me. It’s superior to the 3D printed ones. 3D printed ones that I’ve tried have been printed out of resin or filament. And they’re almost too light for me. They don’t have as much heft. They also don’t feel as durable to me. I have dropped this Fox White 1 many, many times, and it’s been fine. I’ve had the metallic discs pop out of a few of the toppers, and I’ve been able to re-glue them in and not had to do it again, so that’s been fine. I have had paint get all over this, and it comes off pretty easily. You let it dry, and you can use your fingernails.

[15:02] Let’s see if you can hear me right now. I got one a little asmr for you and it just scratches right off so if that’s see if that’s a concern for you you can go ahead and scratch it right off you don’t have to it’s fine it’s gonna get dirty it’s gonna get messy that’s what it’s for I’m sure you could scrub at it if you really want to go right ahead but it’s a painting handle it’s meant to be used and if you want to get one just to admire it go ahead i’m not gonna shame you for that because that’s silly why would i do that there’s many different ways to participate in the hobby and enjoy it and if that’s all you want to enjoy it clicking painting handles and admiring them go for it yo but if you want to get one to use I have to say I think this is worth the money you can get it on amazon but i also want to let you know that we are an affiliate of fox by which is not why I’m talking about this at all but if you go to the fox by website we’ll have a link in our show notes but we have an affiliate code that you can use. So that way you can get a nice discount from them. And it’s just something that can help you out a little bit. I’m going to talk about it a little bit more later on.

[16:15] Because I want to move on and I want to talk about something else that they do, which is paintbrushes. And that’s something that a lot of people happen to know about. And so we’re going to talk about it and just kind of let you know what our thoughts are on it. So that way you can kind of get an idea, if you don’t already use them, what to do. And then we can go ahead and share that code again for you. In case you happen to go to the Foxwhite website, you can use the code RECON, R-E-C-O-N, and it’ll give you 10% off everything in the store.

[16:57] And then that’s that. And actually, it turns out not only do you get 10% off, but Foxwhite will give us 5% of the purchase back our way. So you’re getting something, you’re getting a discount, it doesn’t cost you anything extra for the discount. And then Foxwhite sends us 5%. So if you spend $10, right, and then $1, you get $1 off, right? That’d be 10%. And then $0.50 would come to us, and $0.50 would go to Foxbite.

[17:25] Win-win. So there’s that. Let’s talk about the painting brushes, okay? So I want to switch gears a little bit, although they go hand-in-hand. And like I said, Foxbite very kindly sent us some painting brushes. They sent us their Seven Deadly Sins All Natural Kalinske Sable Brushes. It’s a beautiful set of brushes. It comes in this really nice holder, has a Fox Byte logo on it. It has the Seven Deadly Sins, which is what they call this lineup of brushes. And the holder is just like this little carrying case. You can get the brushes direct from the Fox Byte website.

[18:09] And if you do that the set of seven brushes the seven deadly sins set will cost you 61 you can also get it on amazon where it’s 67 honestly between the price difference and everything I think you’re better off going to the fox fight website you order them there you pay the 61 which sounds like a lot but they are kalinsky sable brushes i cannot emphasize that enough really, I can’t.

[18:35] But at $61, you get the 10% off, right? And then you’re helping out the show as well. Plus, they’re small business. So it’s win-win-win in my opinion, but that’s just me. So again, that’s what they cost. You do get the set of seven brushes, which are gorgeous brushes.

[18:55] So you get them, five of them are natural. Like I said, Kalinsky Sable brushes, is really top of the line right there and two are synthetic so the natural kalinsky sable our size is three slash o zero and one and you get two number two, those are all again kalinsky sable and then you get a small I’m sorry a medium and a large dry brush and those are synthetic they’re like synthetic goat hair or something like that I have not used the dry brushes I have to say because I looked at them they look great they look wonderful but I use makeup brushes for that because I got them super super super super cheap online and so I took I got a gigantic set of makeup brushes ages ago I took the ones that I thought would be useful for dry brushing. And I gave my wife the rest. So it was perfect, actually. But if you need dry brushes, because dry brushes, right, they wear out all the time. Just the nature of the beast. So you can get some nice new dry brushes in this set as well.

[20:01] Again, the case is gorgeous. It’s a perfect size carrying case for your brushes. You can bring places. It comes with a 7 Deadly Sin sticker, has a QR code case. It’s just a nice little folio kind of case. Now, I got to say that the brushes keep a really nice point. So in case you’re not aware, shocking for all of you, I am hard on things, right? So not only am I hard on myself, I am hard on brushes and I really abuse brushes no matter how much I try not to. I just, I tear those things apart as I paint. And even with me being really, really abusive to these brushes, they kept a nice point. They would hold the paint well. and the cool thing about Kalinske sable brushes, right is because they do hold a point really well and they can hold the paint you don’t need to load them up too much and when you do in detail you can get paint on there.

[21:07] Just the amount you need so that you can do the detail. Whereas if you got, say, synthetic brush that was really, really small, that had like one or two hairs on it or something like that, that paint’s going to dry out like this. And so you’re not going to get anything done. You’re trying to do eyes or ears or whatever. You’re going to be out of luck, dude. So that just isn’t going to work. Whereas if you’re using these brushes, again, Kalinsky Sable, I’m saying it over and over and over and over again. I know. You’re like, enough, Jonathan. Stop saying Kalinsky Sable.

[21:37] But trust me, Kulinski Sable, they’re top of the line for a reason, right? So that you can have one of these brushes that you’re using, say you’re using a size zero brush and you’re doing it and you get the paint on you need, it’s the right amount of paint so you’re not overloaded, but not underloaded. You do the detail and it’s not going to dry out on the brush on you so you can get your work done.

[22:01] So you’re saving yourself time. I found that the brushes were very comfortable in my hand they felt well I don’t want to use the word ergonomic because it’s going to make you think that the shaft of the brushes is weirdly designed to look so hard it’s not but they’re just they’re comfortable to hold they feel good I found the actual brush hairs themselves they were really easy for me to clean so a painter i know told me to buy some brush soap there was some cheap brush soap soap on amazon they said just get this until you can get and they’ve recommended some other one I don’t know what it was that’s supposed to be perfect for clancy sable hair but I’ve been using the cheaper one from amazon and it’s been working really really well for me and helping to keep these brushes really well getting all the paint out so far to my knowledge I have not gotten any paint up in the ferrule normally that’s a thing I am sadly known for that i would just overload a brush and get all that paint up in the ferrule and could never get it out there were a few times where I think i came close with these and I use a lot of brush soap and i think i saved them so I’ve been using size one and zero the most actually let me just look here yes size one and zero and I use one of the number twos. So I was doing that the most. Oh, and also, these brushes, because the whole…

[23:31] What’s the right word, theming behind them is seven deadly sins. Each brush has a different name from like the seven deadly sins, like gluttony or sloth or whatever. It’s just kind of a cool thing that they did over at Foxbite about the brushes. So that’s something to keep in mind. If you’re like that kind of aesthetic and theeming, you get that going over you too. So that’s cool. But like I said, the brushes are just good. They’re going to last you. And I’ve used them for about five months.

[23:59] I’ve been hard on them. I’m not someone painting every single day. I was painting on my live streams. So at the beginning, I was painting, ooh, three or four times a week for two to three hours per time. So like, we’re talking like 10 hours a week. And then I kind of pared it down to say six hours a week for a while, six to eight hours per week and then I moved it down to about five hours no about yeah five to six hours a week I was doing that on the weekends and during that time actually I need to add I did a 12-hour live stream on twitch because I was raising money for extra life which i didn’t really talk about on the podcast but that’s okay so I did 12-hour live stream and so a good chunk of that was painting I did other stuff during the live stream I paid played computer games and did other things, but I did a lot, a lot, a lot of painting on it. And I did that using these brushes. So things just worked really well. I highly recommend the brushes. So I just want to stress that for all of you.

[25:04] And for me, they’ve, they’ve changed things for me. Actually, they really have. I was just thinking about that. I was like, how they change things for me? And they have, they have made painting easier for me and more accessible and made me want to paint so I, bought more paints for the first time in a long time my wife and I we brought the kids down and found out there’s a games workshop store they call them Warhammer stores now but not too far from us and so we went on an excursion and I bought paints I was buying yeah I bought a lot of paints was buying contrast paints just because I’m not out there to impress anyone I have decided for myself and a lot of credit for this okay all the credit but a lot of credit goes of this goes to two people in particular one the to the amazing Carol Pandolph, who you know, if you’ve ever gone to Total Con, or you’ve gone to Rising Phoenix, or, oh God, so many other conventions up here in New England. She does paint and takes, and painting events, and she’ll do them at game stores on weekends, and she is an inspiration.

[26:19] Incredibly talented painter, does a lot of Reaper stuff. She was sponsored by Reaper at one point. She streams on Twitch on Monday and Wednesday nights and Saturday afternoons or like at noon, I think it is. She does RPGs and just does all sorts of stuff. She’s, I am so glad and happy to know her. I really am. But she’s one of the reasons why I started to get back into painting because I did a painting thing in 2024. She was doing a painting take at Huzzah and I went to it and I painted the first many. I painted it a very long time. I painted using craft paint of all things. I know I posted on socials about that. And then I started hanging out in her Twitch streams and I was like, I should start painting stuff. And I won a big painting thing from her, a painting giveaway. And as a result of me going to her streams, and actually one time thinking she had a stream and she didn’t, I stumbled across another Twitch streamer who goes by Good Enough Painting. His name is Ricky.

[27:18] Ricky is… I love that man. I really do. He is a good friend and very, very, very talented painter. One of the things that I really adore about him is how he came about to choose the name Good Enough Painting, because he does painting commissions and he does 3D printing and all this sort of stuff. And it’s not a name chosen because is like, eh, good enough, I guess, for, you know, something that’s not great.

[27:52] Use a lot of improvement, I guess we could say. He uses it in a way that really is inspiring. And that for him, he’s trying to express that everything that all of us do is good enough. He means it in such an affirming and loving and caring way. And so I started hanging out in his dreams. I mod for him.

[28:16] And I’ve been on one of his dreams. And he kind of encouraged me to do more painting and things. And so between the two, Ricky and Carol, so between the two of them, I started to reevaluate my thinking around painting and my approach to painting. And I came to the conclusion that I don’t need to impress anyone. I don’t need to be painting entire armies.

[28:40] I don’t need to be trying to constantly get better and improve and win awards or whatever. And if you’re someone who wants to paint armies and you want to win awards and you want to do all these things, that is awesome. And I am happy that that brings you joy. It does not bring me joy. So I’m trying to run my own race, right? I’m trying to find what brings me joy and what is good for my mental health. And so for me, for my mental health, those things are not good. They were very detrimental. And I thought, okay. So instead of me thinking, I have to paint a whole army. Instead of me thinking, well, I am just not good enough. I am awful. I will always be awful. instead of all that negative talk I thought what if I just paint one mini what if I paint a single miniature and however it comes out is how it comes out and so I did it and i did I had craft paint because I couldn’t find my other paint and I did that and then I found my other paint and I started using my old brushes and I started going and going and going and then I ended up finding out about a Foxbite and I bought the painting handle they sent me the brushes and I bought a wet palette because, well…

[29:50] Listen to any old episodes, you know about my experience with Redgrass Games and how awful they are and terrible and just really atrocious. It’s the worst of the worst. So I was not about to use that. And I got a new Army Painter wet palette that I’ve been using. And these tools have transformed things for me. So like I said, the Foxwhite handle and Foxwhite paintbrushes have really made it so that they’re just there at my painting station. I come down into my studio. I kind of redid my studio a little bit with the help of my dad. We had to get our oil tank replaced. And so that got done. We had to take a wall out. And then I realized it wasn’t gaming on my game table. So I was able to move that and reconfigure it and get another table.

[30:41] And now I have this kind an L shape. So I have Lego on the, for my sixth gaming table. And then I have a big, like three foot by six foot folding table. And that’s where I paint and where I stream from when I’m on Twitch and where I build Lego and all those kinds of things. And so I can just have my paints out. I have all my supplies out and I go and I just know these things are going to work. I know I can pick up the painting candle and it’s just going to work. It’s not going to fail me. I know the brushes are not going to fail me I know they’re going to last i trust and I think you can too i really do so I hope you consider them uh so like I said you can get the brushes if you so choose you go to either amazon where there’s 67 I think I said it was we have an affiliate link I can give you if you so choose and or you can go direct to where they cost you $61.

[31:35] And with code RECON, R-E-C-O-N, you get 10% off. So that’s pretty cool. And I got the painting candle ages ago on Amazon. And I was looking online, and I couldn’t find the holder on either Amazon or the FoxWrite website. And I believe that’s because they’re working on coming with a new one. So I think that is what it is. But in case you’re wondering, I paid $37 for the painting handle. FoxBite does have, and they’ve been actually promoting it pretty heavily. They do have for $29.99, they have what they call a base expansion set, which are new toppers and things that you can use for the holder. So it comes with two cork bases, which are new additions you get four small round toppers four small hexagon toppers one large hexagon one large round topper you also get a metal base plate and then two tacky putty strips and the tacky putty strips are what i was calling museum putty.

[32:44] Worked pretty well so you can get that as well that’s something I actually want to pick up so hopefully we will have that and I can maybe talk about that at a future episode but I just wanted to let you know what the price is these things on the fox bite stuff and really like i said I bought the painting handle and then the paintbrush just kind of fell in my lap I’m not talking about these things because i was sent paintbrushes for review I’d be talking about it because they’re good in they are. And whether or not they said, hey, here’s some brushes for you to use. And if you want to tell people, great. No, no, whatever. I’m telling you. So there you go.

[33:24] Now, I also want to just kind of touch on the fact that we had been off the air for an extended period of time from near the end of 2024, like fall 2024 through winter. And I had posted on social at one point that there was a problem with our host. So we keep all of our podcast files on the internet archive.

[33:49] And this is something that I do consciously because for a few reasons, first of all, we don’t have to pay, it’s free. But the reason why I do it is that it is kind of like a public library in that the stuff is just always there, right? So if I stop paying, so to speak, and I don’t pay, but if I were to stop paying, that things don’t disappear. And so I’m thinking the long term, right? Whereas someday, this is a shock for all of you, I’m sure, someday I will die. We all do.

[34:23] And I think our content is evergreen, that it can be useful for people in the future. You can go back to older episodes and I can still get something of value out of it. But selfishly, I’m doing it for my family, right? Because when Adrian passed, one of the things that I know was that his family found some solace in being exposed to some of the content he helped to create. And I don’t know for sure, but I like to think and like to believe that maybe it helped them in their grieving process.

[34:56] And so I’ve been thinking for a handful of years now that when the time comes that I pass, whenever that is, I’m sure many years in the future, but then whenever it is, maybe just maybe my family or maybe some friends or anyone who happens to miss me, maybe they might be able to come across some of these episodes and hear my voice and maybe that can help them. I have voicemails for my grandmother who’s passed away and I have not listened to them because it’s too painful for me still. And it’s been years, right? But someday I will listen to them. And I think it’s going to be hard, but it’s going to bring me some joy too. And I’ll listen to old episodes of the podcast, which is not something I would have done in the past, but I’ll do it so I can hear Adrian’s voice. Sometimes I just need to hear him. And so that’s a selfish the reason why i keep the podcast up on internet archive but the downside was they were attacked.

[35:53] Maliciously and their website was brought down and everything was brought down the data was fine it wasn’t gone but no one could get at the stuff so like people couldn’t listen to episodes, and then they slowly took them a long long time because they’re a non-profit and they don’t have money for this sort of stuff but it took them a long long long time to come back up and even when that came up, we couldn’t upload anything. And so it took ages for that to get fixed. And then when that just seemed to be okay, I was hit with a personal tragedy. One of my uncles unexpectedly passed away before Thanksgiving. That was hard. That still is. So I couldn’t do the podcast is what it is.

[36:34] The timing was just so great that our audio editor, Joshua, had had some things going on in his life too that prevented him from being able to do things. And so we had a perfect storm that just kind of hit us unexpectedly. I am very, very, very sorry that this has caused us to be off the air for so long. We are back. Yes, there was that disruption. We didn’t get to do all the usual content that we would do. But we are here. It is 2025. We are in the middle of our 21st year podcasting. I’m doing this show. Can you believe 21 years? My goodness, people. So we have that going on. We have other episodes going to be coming out. There’s an episode I recorded with Robert Dunn where we talk about, well, I can’t tell you what we talked about because then you won’t listen to the episode. But he and I are already talking about doing in the second part to it. You can cover another stuff. So that’ll be coming out. We’re going to be at some conventions. I’m going to be at Total Con in February 2025.

[37:43] I’m going to be at Huzzah in 2025. I’m working things out to be at Captain Con in beginning of February 2025. Actually, that’s really soon when I’m recording this. And so we’re trying to get our convention schedule going as convention season begins to kick off so I’m sure we will see some of you there i want to make sure that you know to check our socials though because we will be doing a giveaway for one set of fox bite synthetic series seven deadly sins brushes so these are all synthetic they’re not the kolinsky sable brushes but they are cool brushes that you can get and we will be doing a giveaway which will be talked about on our socials so that you can get information on that i should tell you that these brushes retail for 30 dollars american and they come with a size 3 a size one, a size three dash zero, a double zero, a five dash zero, and then there’s two dry brushes that are made out of goat hair.

[38:56] Well so that’s the synthetic ones like I said we’ll be doing a giveaway for those you want to check our socials about that and now that I’ve been talking at you for so very long i’m sure you are tired of hearing my voice I want to remind you we are on all the things basically as wargaming recon we are on blue sky now that’s something I set up a while ago a bunch of hobbyists and people doing tabletop gaming went over there and henry hired set up some lists which are like must follow people on blue sky and we made the list which was awesome but surprising thank you very much henry so we got a lot of followers on there and.

[39:40] Then of course I stream on Twitch now so.

[39:43] That’s the thing I do every week you don’t get enough of me from the podcast when it comes out you can hang out with me when I stream on Twitch I currently stream on Saturdays and Sundays at 1 p.m eastern standard time I stream for about two to three hours right now I’m on a binge of building lego but I go back and forth between building lego and painting minis so I painted minis for like five months and before that I was building lego for a bunch and now I’m back doing a huge grouping of building lego we’ve been building a lot of harry potter lego and some star wars lego uh some of the big lego sets that I’ll be building soon on stream are the new ultimate collector series jabba’s sail barge I got that for christmas also the Mos Eisley cantina I got a couple years ago for christmas and I had picked up myself the new fort el dorado and so that’s like the reimagined one that they came out with so i picked that up myself a while ago so be doing that plus smaller sets and we do other things and you can one of the neat things about twitch is that you can when you watch you earn that they call channel points so you earn points for watching a streamer and then you can spend those points on things during the stream that forces streamer to do stuff so like Ido things where maybe it will force me to get up and stretch or drink some water.

[41:11] Or we can do like a mini game kind of thing together or i’ll open boxes of collectible lego minifigures or build a different set or one of the things i’ve gotten into with my kids are the disney lorkana collectible cards so we open packs of cards and you can make me open we can see what’s there but they’re just kind of fun little things to do there’s one i love actually people don’t use this a whole lot, where it’s called Two Truths, One Lie.

[41:40] So I do I’ll make three statements about myself two of them are true one’s a lie and people have to guess what the lie is and they can both, points and then whoever’s whichever people write when all the channel points so it’s just kind of a fun thing but i stream like i said on saturdays and sundays right now on twitch at 1 p.m eastern standard time and you can watch what i’m doing and there’s a chat feature so you can type in a chat room and there’s other people come and oh just things go on and things happen and just kind of a chill laid back thing to have going on. So I like to think of it as you’re at home, right? Maybe you’re painting minis, you’re building terrain or whatever, and you want some company. If it’s on a Saturday or a Sunday at 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, I can be your company. Turn on Twitch. It’s slash Wargaming Recon. That’s how you find me.

[42:38] Turn on Twitch. I’m there. We can all be together and have fun. So I want to mention that. Oh, and I should say though, that my Twitch streams are for 18 plus. We have some adult content on there. I don’t like inappropriate stuff, but just mature conversations that happen. It’s a safe space. It’s an inclusive space, a space where members of the LGBT community can come and hang out, talk about things in their lives. So there are mature things that come up. So that is for ages 18 and above, whereas this podcast is for all ages. So if you want something to have on while your family of small ones are small kids are around don’t do the twitch thing not that it’s bad it’s just that’s what we have so stick with the podcast.

[43:27] Twitch is not family friendly my twitch stream it’s not bad but just i want to make sure i say that so that’s all that i have for this time thank you everyone very very much first of all for listening, for being here with me on this journey, for your understanding about the break that we had, the unexpected break, and lapse in podcast episodes for a while. But like I said, we are back. We have episodes here and plans for future episodes to come out. So I just want to thank all of you for that. I hope that you have a fantastic 2025 moving forward as we are here together. Remember, we need to support each other with kindness and take care of one another and be helpful and good to each other. And know that no matter what, no matter how busy you are, no matter what’s going on in your life, no matter how much time you’re thinking, hmm.

[44:23] How many times is Jonathan going to say, Kolinsky Sable? You know that you gotta, you need to, you have to. That’s right. Keep on gaming.

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Join our Patreon community and provide support to Wargaming Recon starting from just $1 per month, which is less than a paintbrush.


Our theme song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. The podcast logo was created by Peter Bryant. Audio editing was done by Joshua Shoobridge. Show notes for this episode were written by Jonathan J. Reinhart.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.


This post may contain affiliate links, and I may receive commissions or bonuses from your interactions with those links.


Wargaming Recon pays tribute to Andrew, a cherished listener whose invaluable support inspired the show’s name. Let us observe a collective moment of silence to honor Andrew’s memory.

We deeply mourn the loss of Adrian, a longstanding co-host of Wargaming Recon. Please join us in a moment of silence as we remember Adrian’s contributions and the impact he had on the show.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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