Sponsor Wargaming Recon

Wargaming Recon is heard by over 30,000 wargamers each year placing it in the top 20% of podcasts according to Libsyn. With content focusing on historical and New England tabletop gaming our global audience tunes in for our friendly, informed, and unique take on the hobby.

As a result it presents a unique chance to reach this valuable niche.

We have a variety of low-cost advertising opportunities available – if you’d like to partner with us in reaching our audience then please email our owner Jonathan J. Reinhart at Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 9.40.29 PM and we’ll come up with a campaign package to suit your needs.

Option 1: Sponsor Wargaming Recon

Option 2: $5 for a tweet-sized message

Don’t need a long-term sponsorship? Have a brief (140 characters or less) message you want to share? All it takes is $5 USD. We are proud to now offer you the chance to share your brief message with our audience for as little as $5.

How it works

E-mail us atScreen Shot 2015-11-08 at 9.40.29 PM with “$5 for a Tweet” in the Subject. Tell us your message of 140 characters or less. We will send you a Paypal invoice, which you can pay with your bank account or credit/debit card. You don’t even need a Paypal account to pay.

We will record or air your pre-recorded message of 140 characters or less in a single episode of Wargaming Recon. If you want your message to appear in multiple episodes, please contact us because we can offer a price break.

It’s as simple as this. All it costs is $5 for your brief message to reach an average of 1,300+ listeners.

Why you should consider this

Most people and organizations have $5 that they can spend to get the word out. This is a great way for conventions, game clubs, game companies, and individuals to reach out to our engaged audience. Magazines can promote their latest issue, authors can recommend their newest book, and gamers like us can reach out to one another.

In 140 characters you can tell our audience your newest product, pending event, beautifully painted figs, latest deal, or contest. Its easy!

Yep, that’s exactly 140 characters.

Easier way

Want an easier way? Just use this Paypal button to purchase the number of episodes your message will appear in. On the Checkout Page be sure to give us your message of 140 characters or less.

5 USD for 140 Characters

We reserve the right to refuse to air messages at our discretion and will refund appropriate costs. Other conditions may apply.

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