Author Archives: Jonathan J. Reinhart
Duncan Rhodes’ Painting Academy – Wargaming Recon #251
Duncan Rhodes is a former Games Workshop employee best known for his painting tutorials on Warhammer TV. He discusses painting, his time at GW, and his brand new painting academy.
Henry Hyde’s Battlechat – Wargaming Recon #250
Henry Hyde pops on the show to discuss life as a self-employed creative person. He produces the popular Battlechat podcast on Patreon, is owner of Gladius Publications, and now edits novels for other authors.
Stalled projects, or Oh Shiny! The road to 350.
We all have projects we started and then ignored for awhile. My biggest issue is when I put a wash on something and wait for it to dry overnight, only to immediately start on something else and ignore the first … Continue reading
The Muse’s Miniatures Musings: Easy on the Eyes
This is part 3 of my multi part series which will cover the basics of miniature painting from the materials to finishing. The month is painting the eyes. Supplies have been bought (Part 1) and prep is complete (Part 2). … Continue reading
Gaming in a Pandemic Delayed
We are very sorry. The Gaming in a Pandemic episode of Wargaming Recon will be delayed. When it was recorded through the live-streaming service we use, there were some problems with their servers. That resulted in the audio quality not … Continue reading