Author Archives: Jonathan J. Reinhart
Goals, motivation, and progress: The road to 350.
January is seeing some slow but steady progress on my goal of 350 painted miniatures this year. I’ve prepped a bunch of Ground Zero Games old school 25mm Star Grunt minis and started painting a squad while waiting for some … Continue reading
Deciding what to do next…
I have a lot of minis available to me. At some point, I’ve bought them because I’ve got excited about painting them. Then, I’ve bought more minis because I also got excited. Now, I have many unpainted minis and sometimes … Continue reading
…“So where do we go from here?” five club New Year’s resolutions.
This time of year, it is very customary for all hobbyists to decide on resolutions, many of you will have declared that this is finally the year in which that Greek army will get finished. More figures will be painted … Continue reading
2020’s Hobby Goals, or The Road to 350 Redux
I wrapped up my 2019 goals just in time, breaking the 350 mark in December. I thought I would blow through it and raise my goal for 2020. But, I think 350 is fairly easy to achieve. I painted somewhere … Continue reading
That New Year’s Feelin’
New Year Every year I eat too much for Christmas. Every year I look at all the awesome stuff I get. Every year, around this time, I start looking forward and thinking; How are the next 12 months going to … Continue reading