Category Archives: Games
The Great Wargaming Survey – Wargaming Recon #123
The Great Wargaming Survey Karwansaray Publishers and their magazine Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy launched The Great Wargaming Survey in July 2014. Almost 7,800 wargamers responded to the survey. Jasper Oorthuys, Managing Editor Publications of Karwansaray Publishers, discusses the survey in … Continue reading
Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 – Wargaming Recon #121
Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 Boston Trained Bands hosts a successful annual game day at the Hobby Bunker in Malden. Jonathan attended their fifth annual game day in 2014. Listen to this episode to learn what games were played, what … Continue reading
Wargaming With Kids – Wargaming Recon #120
Wargaming With Kids Jonathan shares tips for adults hoping to get kids into wargaming. These are also useful for wargaming parents looking to find a wargaming event at which their child can play. Simplify the rules Fun is the goal … Continue reading
Latinian Expansion – Battle of Pons Meltior
Latinia Major wasted no time in sending its forces into Onzijdigian territory. Legio II under the command of Aulus Appia proceeded south from the city of Flovios and crossed the border. Several cohorts paved the way into enemy held lands. … Continue reading
Latinium in Flames!
Ancient Latinium is home to three venerable nations. Populous Latinia Major covers half the realm with a significant populace of over 1 million souls. To the east its neighbor Hamillar Mineraller contains riches of diamonds, iron, and rubies. Wedged into … Continue reading