Category: Games

USS Adrian Benson – Wargaming Recon #280

Joerg Bender is the owner of Things From the Basement.  He comes on to discuss what’s happening with their MDF terrain.  Things from the Basement has 13 main lines of MDF terrain and tabletop gaming accessories. Jonathan and Joerg talk specifically about the Exploratory Submarine USS Adrian Benson.  The USS… Read More»

Wargaming with LEGO – Wargaming Recon #278

In this episode, Jonathan talks about how he is joining his loves of Star Wars, LEGO, and wargaming. Jonathan is working on developing a convention game for the Battle of Hoth using his LEGO kits. He covers his dilemma with either using the Star Wars Legion rules or using a… Read More»

Solarian Games Rises – Wargaming Recon #276

In this episode, we are joined by games designer Peter Bryant.  Peter has quite a resume, he is a game designer, former podcaster, dad, science nerd, TotalCon Industry guest and co-owner of Solarian Games. We briefly talk about how TSR had change names to become Solarian Games.  Wargaming Recon used… Read More»

Oathmark – Wargaming Recon #273

In this episode Joshua talks about Oathmark by Joseph A. McCullough. Joshua gives a review of the game and covers the mechanics. He explains how to build your units and the different miniatures you can use. Joseph’s bio can be found here. The Oathmark rulebook can be found here. Additional resources… Read More»

Gaming During Australian COVID-19 Lockdown – Wargaming Recon #272

Australia is in lockdown because of COVID-19.  While many may think this means gaming isn’t possible, Joshua Shoobridge shares why that isn’t true. He discusses his gaming and hobby experiences during lockdown.  They cover everything from painting minis, trying new painting techniques, and even a dive into 3D printing. As… Read More»