Category: Games

Flames of War: Battle of Berlin @ BG Plainville

Today the historical gaming group from Battleground Games fought the Battle of Berlin using Flames of War rules and miniatures. I photographically documented this epic battle in 140 images. A photo slideshow will be forthcoming. Many thanks to everyone who participated, to all for allowing me to photograph this splendid… Read More»

Privateer Press Purposefully Understocks Metal Miniatures

I was just made aware that distributors, in particular ACD and Alliance, of Privateer Press products, in particular Warmachine and Hordes, have been unable to supply desired models to game stores. This has lasted almost a month for some area game stores, which prompted curiosity. Why couldn’t the distributors send… Read More»

Flames of War Spotlight: Gorgeous Panzer IV F1 Platoon

Ever see something that stands heads and shoulders above everything else? The spotlight series is here to shine a light on that astounding object. We’re kicking off this series with a superbly painted Panzer IV F1 platoon for Flames of War. Check out the pictures below from the people at… Read More»

Flames of War Sneak Peek – Early War British Rifle Company

Battlefront Miniatures, the maker of Flames of War, has some great new product hitting shelves at a Friendly Local Game Store near you. This time we’re sharing a peek at the British Rifle Company (BEF) box for the Early War. It retails for $200 USD and includes:

Flames of War Sneak Peek – Early War Polish Infantry Battalion

Battlefront Miniatures, the maker of Flames of War, has some great new product hitting shelves at a Friendly Local Game Store near you. This time we’re sharing a peek at the Polish Infantry Battalion box for the Early War. It retails for $225 USD and includes: