Category: Podcasts

Wargaming Recon #94: Rogue Chess with Peter “Blix” Bryant

Rogue Chess with Peter “Blix” Bryant. Think you know what chess is? Peter “Blix” Bryant has a Kickstarter that adds the bacon flavor to chess. He discusses Rogue Chess and explains some of the cards. If you like chess, if you LOVE having fun, and if you’re a game fanatic… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #93: Interviewing Jonathan Part 1

Interviewing Jonathan.

Ever wonder what makes Jonathan tick? Listener Aaron Bostian turns the tables, takes the mic, and serves as host for this special episode. Jonathan is in the hot seat while Aaron interviews him about his life and gaming. We hope you enjoy this peak behind the curtain.… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #92: Building an Affordable Game Table

Building an Affordable Game Table.

How to have a game table is a question many gamers posit. Each has specific needs to fulfill in their attempt to obtain their very own game table. Who wouldn’t like to have a flat space on which to command armies of pewter and… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #91: Aaron Bostian and How Wargamers Can Give Back

Aaron Bostian blogging at the Fancy Wars.

Aaron shares the many ways that he gives back in his community. Jonathan discusses the 3 mile walk he is doing on May 18, 2013 to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis. You can DONATE HERE. We also discuss: