Flames of War Newsletter April 30, 2009

Check out the latest newsletter from Flames of War. There’s lots of great new releases and content for all your Flames of War needs.





Flames Of War

The Flames Of War and Battlefront Miniatures website.

New to Flames Of War
Want to find out more? Pack up your old kit bag; 
you’re going to 
Boot Camp!

Finnish T-26
As another month comes to an end we have a number of article and new items for your entertainment. We have Finn, Website and Wargames Illustrated news as well as articles on the Soviet’s 1944 strike against the Finns, a revised Intelligence Briefing for the 16. Luftwaffe Felddivision and the German Pionierkompanie Intelligence Briefing moves to the Official Briefings section. 

We also have a report from the Australian Mid War Championship.

But first some news from John-Paul:

The Finns are Coming!
Thanks to everyone who has voiced their opinion about the Finnish Intelligence Briefing. I have to admit I am impressed by the passionate response from all the Finn players out there. As I mentioned the list is basically done so I have asked the Studio team to complete their final internal playtesting and graphic design work before we put it up on the site. At this stage we should have all of this completed within a few weeks so we are targeting a release of the 28th May.

Site Changes
During the coming week you will see some visual and navigation changes to the site. We are preparing to upload the first wave of changes and test them out from Monday next week. The initial wave is simple changes to width and navigation. The following waves will include a host of other updates which will get added in stages to avoid both potential issues impacting on the site as a whole and to allow us to make sure it all works as planned before we reach the point of no return. We are trying to learn from our experience the last time we did this so that we get both new and improved without the “new site” issues us and many other companies always seem to encounter.


The new Feldgendarmerie miniatures for the Sicherungskompanie will be available soon. This week we take a look at what you will get.

Feldgendarmerie Miniatures… 

UK Customer Service & Warehouse Opportunities
The UK office needs you!  –  Opportunities to join the Battlefront family…

UK Customer Service & Warehouse Opportunities… 

Website Assistant New Zealand Opportunity
The NZ office needs you!  –  Opportunities to join the Battlefront family…

Website Assistant Opportunity…

2009 Poll Prize Winners
And the 2009 Battlefront Poll Prize Winners are…

2009 Poll Prize Winners…

Flames Of War in other languages…

Wargames Illustrated Wargames Illustrated Subscriptions
Subscribe to Wargames Illustrated for 12 months and receive FREE miniatures. 

Wargames Illustrated Subscriptions… 

The Fourth Strategic Offensive
To get the ball rolling with the Finns Alessandro Fasolo takes a look at the Soviet Fourth Strategic Offensive of 1944, that attack on the Finns in June. 

The Fourth Strategic Offensive… 

Finnish Sturmi and crew
Luftwaffe soldier
16. Luftwaffe Felddivision
The 16. Luftwaffe Felddivision is another Intelligence Briefing that has been revised and brought up to the new organisation standard. In July 1944 this untested division was sent to Normandy and became embroiled in the battle for the city of Caen.    

16. Luftwaffe Felddivision…

German Pionierkompanie goes Official
Thanks once again for all the feedback. The Pionierkompanie is composed of tough well-trained combat engineers ready to undertake dangerous engineering assignments while under fire, and storm enemy positions by close assault.    

German Pionierkompanie… 

Conquest 2009 Conquest 2009 Report
Umpire’s Report by Django Upton on the Australian Mid War Flames Of War Championship 2009 held at Conquest 2009 in Melbourne over Easter. 

Conquest 2009 Report… 

Tournament News 

Heat of Battle III
21-23 August at the The National WWii Museum, New Orleans, USA.   

Heat of Battle III…

Fall Recruits 09
Market Garden 65 is the Fall Recruits 09 Flames Of War tournament. It is themed to the Market Garden battle in celebration of the 65th anniversary of the event.

Fall Recruits 09…

2nd European Championship IWF
The 2nd European Championship IWF – Rome 2009 (9-12 of July 2009).

2nd European Championship IWF…

SouthCon 2009
Flames Of War Mid War less than 1500pts. Venue: Macandrew Intermediate School, 213 Macandrew Road, South Dunedin.   

SouthCon 2009…

HISTORINE – Tournament
2 & 3 May, Maison des associations de Floirac (Bordeaux 33), France. 1500 points Middle & Late War.

HISTORINE – Tournament…

UK Games Expo 2009
Following on from the last 3 years successful tournaments there will be another large Battlefront UK Flames Of War Tournament this year the UK Games Expo held on Sunday 7 June.

UK Games Expo 2009…  

NZ Mid War Tournament
Battlefront Miniatures Presents New Zealand’s Mid War Grand Tournament. A two-day event on Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 June 2009.

NZ Mid War Tournament…

For More Events…

US Nationals event noticesBattlefront USA Events… 


Recent Articles:Tournament Report, Szczecin, Poland… 

33rd New Zealand NatCon Report… 

Schwere Panzerregiment Bäke… 

Objective: Festung Crimea…

Guards Cossacks… 

1st Polish Armoured Division… 

Soviet Guards Heavy Tank Regiments…

Kampgruppe von Saucken Scenario…

51st Highland Division… 

15th Scottish Division…

Osprey New Releases…  

Road to the Mid War GT (4)…


Finding Your Way! Scenario…

Sicherungs and Walküre Kompanies… 

Road to the Mid War GT (3)… 

Point Of The Spear Scenario…

1st Special Service Brigade… 

4th Special Service Brigade… 

German Pionierkompanie…

Firestorm—Bagration Handbook… 

Road to the Mid War GT (2)…

April’s New Releases  

In Shops 11 April
GBX29 FlaK Bunkers 
SU402 Ford JPA (Amphibious) Jeep (x3) 
SU104 M10 Lend Lease 
SU543 85mm obr 1939 gun 
SU747 Spetsnaz Platoon  

In Shops 27 April
SBX12 Heavy Assault Gun Company 
GBX27 8.8cm PaK43 Platoon (Cruciform, 2 guns) 
GE101 Hetzer tank-hunter 
GE275 Maultier (resin, x2) 
GE723 Panzergrenadier Platoon (late)

May’s New Releases  

In Shops 16 May
FW210 River Of Heros 
SBX13 Engineer-Sapper Battalion 
SU804 Engineer-Sapper Flamethrower Platoon 
GE888 General von Sauken  

In Shops 30 May
GBX31 Konigstiger Platoon 
SU883 Komissar M A Dedov 
SU884 Kapitan V I Nevsky

Wayne & Mike


For product enquiries: 


For more information on Customer Service:

Customer Service… 

War at Sea Factory Mistake = Stellar Customer Service

Far too often we as customers hear, or participate in, stories teeming with dismal customer service.  That is why I was frustrated on opening a War at Sea Base Set booster and seeing a factor mistake.

Back in the end of March I received an order from TheWarstore, run by Neal Catapano, which has an online outlet at TheWarstore.com in addition to its brick and mortar location in eastern Long Island.  I purchased an empty Sabol Army Transport case because my FLGS does not sell them that way.  Since I was placing an order I decided to purchase two WAS Base Set boosters.  I am lacking sufficient numbers of certain uncommons and other models.  I hoped to remedy that with my purchase.  The items arrived quickly enough from Mr. Catapano and I ripped into my gaming items with glee.  Sadly, the first booster I opened suffered a factory mis-pack.

I received a stat card for the USS Enterprise and the model for the Vittorio Veneto.  Looking in my WAS Collector’s Database (you can get your own HERE but be sure to right click and choose SAVE TARGET AS to download the database to keep track of your collection) I saw that I have 3 USS Enterprise and 3 Vittorio Veneto.  Unsure of what to do I called TheWarstore and spoke with an employee who directed me to speak with Wizards of the Coast and if Wizards could not remedy the situation I should then get in touch with TheWarstore again.  The Wizards site did not have a phone number for me to use so I went to the Axis & Allies foruMINI where the wonderful members, and mods, directed me in the right direction.  I found Wizard’s policy on Replacing defective or incorrect miniatures or stat cards and, with the foruMINI’s help, decided to ask for the model of the USS Enterprise to match the stat card.  If that was not possible I asked for the Vittorio Veneto stat card.  I mailed everything off, including a letter with all the required information, and waited.

Today, almost a month to the day after I mailed the stuff to Wizards, I received a letter.  It says:


Thank you for taking the time to write to us.  Unfortunately I must inform you that we no longer have any of the miniatures/cards you requested on hand to offer as replacements.  We are granted a certain amount of replacement miniatures when a new expansion is produced, and those replacements are only available while supplies last.  In this case, we cannot get hold of any more of this specific miniature or card.  I have enclosed a little something extra for your time and patience in this matter.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.

The letter accompanied my original Vittorio Veneto and the stat card for the USS Enterprise.  It also came with a Bolzano complete with its stat card.  I really appreciated the extra step the Product Replacement Coordinator at Wizards took.  Sure the Bolzano is, in my opinion, a crappy rare and sure this didn’t actually fix my problem.  I still have the Vittorio Veneto model and the stat card for the USS Enterprise.  I applaud Wizard’s effort but their customer service didn’t go far enough.


So I called TheWarstore and spoke with Mr. Catapano who answered the phone by chance.  After explaining the situation to him he informed me that he would fix the situation for me without a problem.  He stated that a replacement War at Sea booster is on its way to me.  I offered to send him the entire booster and he declined.  I offered to send him the mispacked items and he declined.  I would have sent him photos or other proof but he said that the booster would be arriving at my door shortly.

He provided world class customer service.  Whatever he loses in terms of fiscal resources from the shipping of the replacement booster will more than be made up by maintaining good customer relations.  I didn’t ask for a replacement booster and certainly didn’t expect anything like this.  But actions such as these by Mr. Catapano are a driving reason for his repeat business.  Based on actions such as these I am proud to say that I shop at TheWarstore.com when I cannot find what I need from my friendly local gaming store of Battleground Games in Abington.  I am able to say that if you shop at TheWarstore you will be treated like a member of the family and will receive the gaming product you use and be treated to stellar customer service.

Naturally, I hope we all support our local gaming stores, which serve as the focal point of our gaming communities.  But, if you shop online please consider TheWarstore.  It is sad that a simple act of kindness like this shines so brightly when so much of our customer experience is that of customer disservice.  Even Wizards in their own way did what they could for the situation.  Despite that I have a recommendation for Wizards.  Instead of wasting your customer’s money on postage along with the finances of the company on postage please include a list of products that you no longer have replacement miniatures/cards for on your website.  This will save customers the time, money, and effort from trying to seek redresses for the impossible.

Lastly, I know this article reads like a glowing review of TheWarstore and it is.  But, be assured that I was not paid for or compensated in exchange for saying these honest words about Neal and his gaming store.  I speak on this blog as a gamer and a gaming customer.  I don’t support any product that I have not personally used or experienced.  It is my hope to continue these review vignettes in the future for other products and businesses.  You may very well see similar posts about Battleground Games in Abington and Litko Aerosystems’ tokens.

Flames of War Newsletter April 16, 2009

Check out the latest newsletter from Flames of War. There’s lots of great new releases and content for all your Flames of War needs.





The Flames Of War and Battlefront Miniatures website.

New to Flames Of War
Want to find out more? Pack up your old kit bag; 
you’re going to 
Boot Camp!

German Feldgendarmerie
This week we have spotlights of next week’s new releases. We also make another website Intelligence Briefing Official, and introduce another older revised one. We also have three more reviews of this month’s Osprey Publishingreleases and Ken has the third of his Hammer and Sickle scenarios. 

I’ve updated the events below and will be adding some more over the next week.

With the release of the Sicherungs and Walküre Intelligence Briefing some of you will notice the Feldgendarmerie Platoon. There has been a delay but we’ll have news on how to order these miniatures through our Special Order catalogue next week.News

The 2009 Battlefront Poll has now closed. Thank you for taking the time to fill this in for us. JP is over at GAMA at the moment so we hope to announce the prize winners in next weeks update. Good luck to all the entrants!

Flames Of War in other languages…

Soviet Guards Heavy Tanks
Thanks everybody for the feedback. This one seemed to get quite heated at times, but in the end, other than the one erroneous contentious point, most people are very happy with it. 

Soviet Guards Heavy Tanks is now Official… 

Guards Heavy Tanks Regiment
Kampgruppe von Saucken Scenario
Kampgruppe von Saucken Scenario
The third of three Hammer and Sickle scenarios by Ken that we didn’t have room for in the Book. 

Kampgruppe von Saucken Scenario…

1st Polish Armoured Division
We have updated the 1st Polish Armoured Division Intelligence Briefing to conform to the new intelligence briefing style. 

1st Polish Armoured Division… 

1st Polish Armoured Division
Modelling the Tiger I The three Osprey titles reviewed this week are: 

Ki-43 ‘Oscar’ Aces of World War 2… 

P-36 Hawk Aces of World War 2… 

Modelling the Tiger I…

Heavy Assault Gun Company
Heavy Assault Gun Company (SBX12), 4x ISU-122 or 152 assault guns and 1x IS-2 tank. 

Heavy Assault Gun Company…

Heavy Assault Gun Company
8.8cm PaK43 Gun
8.8cm PaK43 Gun
The PaK 43 (Panzerabwehrkanone 43) was a German 8.8cm anti-tank gun.    

8.8cm PaK43 Gun…

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
The Jagdpanzer 38(t) was intended to provide the German infantry divisions with a tank-hunter with better survivability. 

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer… 

Open Maultier
Open Maultier (x2 Resin)
To cope with the lack of good road in Russia the Germans built the Opel Maultier.    

Open Maultier (x2 Resin)…

Panzergrenadier Platoon (GE723)
The Panzergrenadier regiments are the assault infantry of the German armoured divisions. 

Panzergrenadier Platoon (GE723)… 

Panzergrenadier Platoon (GE723)

Tournament News 

Tournament in Szczecin, Poland
Vest in Szczecin would like to announce a Flames Of War tournament on 18 April.

Tournament in Szczecin, Poland…

2nd European Championship IWF
The 2nd European Championship IWF – Rome 2009 (8-11 of July 2009).

2nd European Championship IWF…

SouthCon 2009
Flames Of War Mid War less than 1500pts. Venue: Macandrew Intermediate School, 213 Macandrew Road, South Dunedin.   

SouthCon 2009…

HISTORINE – Tournament
2 & 3 May, Maison des associations de Floirac (Bordeaux 33), France. 1500 points Middle & Late War.

HISTORINE – Tournament…

UK Games Expo 2009
Following on from the last 3 years successful tournaments there will be another large Battlefront UK Flames Of War Tournament this year the UK Games Expo held on Sunday 7 June.

UK Games Expo 2009…  

Conquest 2009
Australian Flames of War Mid-War Championship at Conquest 2009, 12 and 13 April 2009, Melbourne.

Conquest 2009…

NZ Mid War Tournament
Battlefront Miniatures Presents New Zealand’s Mid War Grand Tournament. A two-day event on Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 June 2009.

NZ Mid War Tournament…

For More Events…

US Nationals event noticesBattlefront USA Events… 


Recent Articles:51st Highland Division…  

15th Scottish Division…

Osprey New Releases… 

Road to the Mid War GT (4)…


Finding Your Way! Scenario…

Sicherungs and Walküre Kompanies… 

Road to the Mid War GT (3)… 

Point Of The Spear Scenario…

1st Special Service Brigade… 

4th Special Service Brigade… 

German Pionierkompanie… 

Firestorm—Bagration Handbook… 

Schwere Panzerregiment Bäke… 

Road to the Mid War GT (2)…

Firestorm Commander… 

50th Tyne and Tees Division…

Visiting the Aberdeen Proving Ground… 

GAJO Games: Stalingrad… 

Road to the Mid War GT (1)…

Soviet Guards Heavy Tank Regiments… 

Assembling Your Sperrverband…


March’s New Releases  

In Shops 14 March
AC006 HS 129 Aircraft Flight 
SBX11 76mm ZIS-3 Artillery Battalion 
SU160 ZSU Lend Lease M17 MGMC 
TD020 505. Schwere Panzerabtielung  

In Shops 28 March
SBX06 T-34/85 Company 
GBX26 7.5cm PaK40 auf RSO Platoon 
SU092 IS-2 obr 1943 

SU736 Sapper Company 
GE735 Mortar Platoon (Grenadiers, Late)

April’s New Releases  

In Shops 11 April
GBX29 FlaK Bunkers 
SU402 Ford JPA (Amphibious) Jeep (x3) 
SU104 M10 Lend Lease 
SU543 85mm obr 1939 gun 
SU747 Spetsnaz Platoon  

In Shops 27 April
SBX12 Heavy Assault Gun Company
GBX27 8.8cm PaK43 Platoon (Cruciform, 2 guns)
GE101 Hetzer tank-hunter
GE275 Maultier (resin, x2)
GE723 Panzergrenadier Platoon (late)

Wayne & Mike


For product enquiries: 


For more information on Customer Service:

Customer Service… 

Changes to User Registrations

This is a bit of housekeeping business to handle.  We try to keep this to a minimum but this is important for all users, both those with and without FREE membership accounts, to know.

We have experienced some difficulties with the registration format.  It caused some problems for new members that prevented them from logging in and from using the automatically generated password.  We have fixed these problems.

Additionally, we made some other changes to the registration format.  As always we strongly suggest that you Register Your FREE Account to fully utilize this blog.  The #1 benefit to this is that you can Write Your Own Posts, which automatically publish to the blog.


We have changed the confirmation deadline from 3 to 5 days.  You must confirm your registration in order to log in.  You receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your registration.

You may now create your own password during registration.

You must agree to our License Agreement and Privacy Policy (see both when you Register Your FREE Account)

You must only answer a simple math question (addition or subtraction) to prove you’re not a robot.  This replaces the math or CAPTCHA question.

In addition to the above changes we manually added all users who were blocked because of the problems.  

We have removed users who asked us to or who do not have valid e-mail addresses.


We strive to make the registration process inclusive, accessible, and intuitive.  We greatly regret the inconvenience caused by the technical glitch.  We try to create a positive user experience for all on this blog.  If you have any suggestions, comments, or constructive criticism please send them to us at cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (replace [at] with @ and [dot] with .) and we will gladly read and respond where appropriate.

URGENT RELEASE: Danger Planet Games in Waltham CLOSING its Doors

The current economic crisis has hit one of the gaming cornerstones on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Danger Planet Games in Waltham will be closing its doors at its current location of 36 Spruce St at the end of this April.

This information was released in the official Danger Planet April 2009 Newsletter when owner, Brian Lasiewski, released the shocking news.  Danger Planet has always been a staple of the gaming community and is a focal point of the gaming community for miles around.  It is a store that got me into 40k, Heroclix, and Starship Troopers.  The news of its closing is very sad and has reverberated throughout the Massachusetts gaming community.

Although they are closing their current location we must point out that the store is not closing permanently.  Brian is evaluating the situation and looking for new storefront possibilities.  If you know of a great location, preferably in Waltham, please contact Brian by e-mailing him at swordbrethren @ yahoo dot com.  Until that time Danger Planet will be featuring a massive SALE of all product.

Hello All,


Through the talent and dedication of the Danger Planet Games and Hobbies community, staff, and leadership we have together established a most unique and special gaming and shopping experience over the last seven and a half years of which we can all take great pride. Together we have never been averse to meeting any challenge. Our collective endurance as a community is now being tested at a previously unengaged level as we are confronted by a multitude of compelling challenges; most significant among them being the imminent sale of the building housing our store. This issue, when set against the backdrop of the current economic climate and an impacted volume of sales, has forced a difficult decision that does not in any way diminish the contributions we have all made to support the store and its community. In order to best preserve and continue what we have founded, the leadership of Danger Planet Games and Hobbies has decided to close its current location at 36 Spruce Street in Waltham, Massachusetts as of the end of April 2009.


Although the store is closing we are not “going out of business”. We are simply taking the most responsible action that we can under the current circumstances. Plans are in development to maintain support to our community until we can secure a new location and reopen. In the meantime, Danger Planet’s website, http://www.dangerplanetgames.com will remain in operation at fully capacity. Additional details will be announced as they become finalized. 


****Spring Cleaning Sale****

From now through the end of April Danger Planet is hosting a “Spring Cleaning” sales event. All in-stock merchandise is on sale for at least 40% off regular retail price. This discount will not combine with any other discount available through club participation, receipt collection, etc. and will not be applied to any special orders or newly released items. 


Good gaming,


You can find out more about the Spring Cleaning Sale and the store closing by going to the Store Closing Discussion thread on the  official Danger Planet Games Online Messageboard.  To Brian and the entire DP staff I wish to offer my sincere thanks for these many years of great gaming along with my best wishes and prayers for a re-opening at a new location as soon as possible.