WordPress 2.6.1 Update Completed Plug Plugin Upgrades

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.6.1 version of WordPress to 2.6.2. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already.

Please read WordPress 2.6.2 at the official WordPress blog. That explains all the reasons why we updated.

The upgrade was performed using the automatic upgrade plugin making this as mindless as a Paulie Shore film. We even updated all our plugins and finished everything in less than 12 minutes. Version 2.6.2 fixes a security hole making us safer than ever.  Our upgraded plugins, such as the Similar Posts and Woopra plugins, provided better functionality than ever before.

I could get all cheesy and say something like how you can always feel safe getting your gaming news at the CWF Game Cast.  Or, I could say that 300 or 300,000 Spartans won’t breach our Trojan walls.  But, you get enough cheese from Games Workshop.  Why amplify that?

Instead I’ll say that we’re committed to giving you the gaming news you need in a secure environment.  ’nuff said.

Plugin Update: Woopra 1.3 Installed

The CWF Game Cast has completed the installation of a great new feature called Woopra.  Many of you may already be familiar with this incredible analytical tool for blogs, websites, and online forums but this is relatively new to me.

I’ve been using WordPress.com Stats Plugin but it only provides basic information and requires a WP.com login.  Not everyone has that and while free not everyone wants one of those.  Woopra is a great and easy to use plugin.  A friend of mine, Shane, who runs Bugssite, tons of great blog posts on Washington D.C., computer games, and movies, is a member of the Woopra team.  He alerted me to the benefits of Woopra, encouraged me to join (FREE), urged on my website activations (in less than 12 hours), and helped me with the install and plugin activation.  He even blogged about the new version, which we’re using, at Woopra 1.3 Plugin Released, News.

His help speeded everything up and I’m incredibly grateful of his assistance.  Kickin’ support Shane!  Even if you don’t have a Shane of your own Woopra is so easy a snotling could do it.  I highly recommend Woopra for all your online needs.  It is FREE and adaptable so there’s no excuse for not using this superb tool.

That said Woopra will be a huge benefit for us.  It allows for live tracking, via an applet you download onto your computer (yes it runs on Mac OS X too), and it has detailed stats in both the applet and the plugin.

I simply cannot say enough positive things about Woopra.  So, please read Woopra Plugin 1.3 at the official Woopra blog.  Of course, be sure to download Woopra and tell your friends where you head about it…right here at the CWF Game Cast.

War at Sea: Picture Card Gallery

This is the complete War at Sea Picture Gallery. It shows all cards personally scanned in by me at 600dpi per card. Please note all our stat card scans (including these) are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 Unported license (as is everything on this blog). You must adhere to that license in order to use the scans.

I hope you enjoy the card gallery. Don’t forget to use the 2010 Starter Stat Cards, Flank Speed Stat Cards, Task Force Stat Cards, and Base Set Stat Cards.

You can enlarge any of the pictures simply by clicking on them. This will take you to a larger version where you can see all the text on the Special Abilities.

Before you click READ MORE please note that the gallery has 64 high resolution pictures. That will be resource heavy and if you use dial-up it will take a very long time to load. Dial-up users are better off going to Base Set Gallery Folders and peruse the folders by nation.

If you wish to download the complete gallery you can find the 18mb zipped file at Base Set Stat Card Gallery Zip (right click, save target as).

Read More»

Monsterpocalypse Arrives in Dedham: Lots of Pictures

Monsterpocalypse was a big hit at GenCon Indy 2008 and rightly so.  Great looking models, solid rules, and great support from a classy gaming company.  The game doesn’t officially release until later this year but who can wait until the Autumn?  Not I and to that end I now have real, live (well not alive), models and stuff for the game.

The products arrived yesterday and I documented the unveiling with many flashes of digital camera.  More are en route including the limited edition GenCon Indy 2008 only sculpts of two monsters plus more units and even more monsters.  For now, I have a solid base with 1 starter, 1 unit booster, and half a dozen monster boosters.

Enjoy the pictures below.  Remember to click them for a larger pic.


A Year Ago Today: August 2007

Sometimes called a blast from the past, or remember when, we have our own time traveling series titled A Year Ago Today.  This shows you what we were doing on the blog one year ago.  We started this on February 7, 2008 in our enhanced podcast, now on hiatus, in Episode 30.

You could say this is us being lazy.  “They don’t have anything new to write so they’re resurrecting old crap nobody cares about anymore.”  Won’t argue with you because it is pointless and there could be some truth in statements like that.  Instead we’re pushing onwards.

One year ago today we were hyping the High Elves in Warhammer Fantasy.  Our article, GW Fantasy High Elves Sneak Peek, showcased pics of upcoming models to whet your appetite.  Most eye catching was Alith Anar the Shadow King.

WFB Alith Anar Shadow King
WFB Alith Anar Shadow King

Now this year the Dark Elves, the evil relatives of the High Elves, have their new army book after such a long wait. All Druchii must be utterly pleased with the development and especially those at Druchii.net, who were pivotal in the development.

It is funny how little has changed 12 months later.  We were talking about WFB Elves last August and we’re still discussing them this August.  Go figure.