Getting Your Groove Back: Ideas for Burnt Out Wargamers

When I started the wargaming hobby two years ago, I had childishly thought that I would never get tired of painting miniatures. Three-hundred painted miniatures later, I was so burnt out from the hobby that I could not fathom the thought of picking up a paint brush. In any hobby, the chance of burn out is very high. You dedicate so much time and effort to your craft that at some point your brain tells you enough. There is no way to prevent it, but there are ways to get around it.

When I finally put up my brushes and paints, I decided the best thing to do was to do something else that did not involved miniatures at all. I found a lot of wargames on Steam and GOG (Good Old Games) that would whet my appetite and keep me busy while recuperating from my year long slog. Games like Ultimate General Civil War, the Warhammer 40K Dawn of War series, and Mount and Blade Warband are just a few games that I play to wind down. After a few weeks, I was back to painting my miniatures again. When painting Napoleonic miniatures started to get stale, I moved on to my fantasy miniatures from Wizkids.

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A view from the inside, looking outside, looking inside.

Normally, I write reviews, but I have not been able to play anything or buy much in this pandemic. I wanted to take my turn to write about my thoughts and the few things I have painted. I am sure that many people have painted fewer figures than I. Hopefully, you may find some motivation to keep up on your own hobbies.

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Devil in the Wilderness – Wargaming Recon #259

Adrian solos the hosting duties while Jonathan continues to grieve the passing of his beloved grandmother.  Adrian talks with Dave Valentine about the upcoming Devil in the Wilderness Kickstarter campaign and the online gaming platform Application of Force.

The Kickstarter campaign launches September 1, 2020.  If you enjoy witch hunting in colonial America, this game may be of interest.

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Wargaming Down Under – Wargaming Recon #258

Joshua steps in to guest host the show while Jonathan grieves the passing of his beloved grandmother.  He chats about gaming in Australia and tosses a few jovial barbs at Jonathan and Adrian.

Be sure to listen for the ad promoting the new tabletop RPG, Jordenheim, by WRKS Games.  If you enjoy low magic gaming with a Viking inspired lore, then Jordenheim is for you.

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Choosing Kindness – Wargaming Recon #257

How can gamers choose kindness and why does it even matter?  We address the topic, share ways in which to choose kindness when gaming, and then talk a bit about World of Warcraft and World of Warships.

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