War at Sea: Task Force Opened 3+ Cases Plus Stat Cards

I am pleased to share the results of opening 3.6 cases of Task Force with all of you.  I am only missing 4 ships.

Knowing my intention to blog about the contents I was prepared before I cracked any cases.  With pen and notebook at the ready I opened case #1 followed by case #2, then case #3 and I wrote down what I got (the list below is in order from #1-#60).  The .6 case was a handful of boosters I individually purchased.  They were part of another case the store owner opened for me.

Overall I’m happy with what I pulled but I’m sad that I didn’t get the Graf Zeppelin.  It is the ship I most wanted.  My first case had a great diversity with virtually 1 of every item.  The second case gave more multiples.  The .6 case (i.e. 8 boosters) helped give more of the Commonwealth vessels and padded Japan too.  Unfortunately I have a plethora of multiple rares from the same cases that has me quite upset.  Some of the rares weren’t seen in 1 case and then showed up 2 (or in some cases 3) times in another.  I’m very angry about that and think the distribution needed to be handled much better.

5 HMAS Arunta C

5 HMCS Haida C

6 Casabianca C

3 Dunkerque R

3 Jean Bart R

4 Hr. Ms. De Ruyter UC

5 Hr. Ms. Van Galen C

6 Hr. Ms. Zvaardvisch C

6 Barracuda Mk. II C

4 Halifax GR Mk. V UC

4 HMS Fencer UC

0 HMS Illustrious R

4 HMS Jamaica UC

3 HMS Kent R

2 HMS King George V R

0 HMS Warsprite R

4 Beaufighter TF Mk. X UC

4 B-25H Mitchell UC

5 F6F-3 Hellcat C

7 TBF Avenger C

8 USS Archerfish (SS 311) C

3 USS California (BB 44) R

4 USS Cleveland (CL 55) UC

5 USS Hoel (DD 533) C

7 USS John C. Butler (DE 339) C

5 USS Laffey (DD 724) C

4 USS Massachusetts (BB 59) R

1 USS Missouri (BB 63) R

2 USS San Francisco (CA 38) R

1 USS Yorktown (CV 5) R

2 USS Saratoga (CV 3) R

2 Admiral Hipper R

3 Admiral Scheer R

5 Bf 109 C

0 Graf Zepplin R

4 Karlsruhe UC

4 S-Boat C

1 Tirpitz R

8 U-66 C

6 Z18 Hans Ludemann C

5 C.202 Folgore C

3 Eugenio Di Savoia UC

4 Giulio Cesare R

6 Ju-87 R2 Picchiatelli C

2 Littorio R

4 SM.79 Sparviero UC

5 Ugolino Vivaldi C

3 Zara R

6 A6M2 Zero Kamikaze C

6 Akitsuki C

6 D4YI “Judy” C

4 H8KI Type 2 “Emily” UC

2 Haruna R

5 I-26 C

8 Isokaze C

3 Musashi R

1 Nachi R

4 Yahagi UC

1 Yamashiro R

0 Zuikaku R

In some cases I’m more surprised by what I pulled than what I didn’t.  I’m only missing 4 ships including the HMS Illustrious, HMS Warspite, Graf Zeppelin, and Zuikaku.  However I am quite surprised to pull 4 USS Massachusetts, 3 Jean Barts, 3 Musashis, 4 Yahagis, 3 Zaras, 4 Giulio Cesares, 3 Admiral Scheers, and 7 USS Archerfish.

Analyzing the contents by case I believe case #1 to have a better variation of contents.  I pulled almost every model in case #1 but only pulled 1 of each item.  Case #2 provided duplicates of many items but fewer pulls.  Case #3 increased my irritation with a plethora of duplicates.

Now that the initial flurry is completed questions remain.  Word from WoTC has long been that Task Force would include night fighting and kamikaze rules.  I, perhaps erroneously, expected those rules to be offered in the individual boosters on the back side of the checklist.  WoTC has done this for Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures and that led me to believe they’d follow suit.  However, they failed to include checklists in any of the 32 boosters I opened and also failed to include any of those rules.  It is uncertain if those rules will still be released and in what manner.

Nightfighting is an existing rule from the core rulebook and the text of stat cards.  I expected altered or advanced rules to cover that situation.  Additionally, kamikaze rules are brand new.  The only mention to them in the set is on the individual Zero Kamikaze plane’s stat card.

Simply listing a special ability titled Suicide Attack with the text of “This unit is destroyed at the end of the Air Attack phase if it isn’t at the land airbase” is insufficient as a means of marketing the new set to say that kamikaze rules are included.  Perhaps both sets of rules will be released in an online FAQ/Rules Clarification.  WoTC has done this before for War at Sea and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.  No matter the reason I was greatly disappointed to not see checklists and the new rules.

Please be sure to check out the other WAS Task Force articles we have. They cover sneak peaks, pictures, and information about the new set. Remember that Task Force officially goes on sale this Friday. If you haven’t pre-ordered boosters it may not be too late to pick some up at your local gaming store.

War at Sea: Task Force Sneak Peek Model Gallery (Lots of Pictures)

I am pleased to share a gallery of War at Sea Task Force (Set 2) models and stat cards with all of you. It comes to me courtesy of the official War at Sea website.

Please be sure to check out the other War at Sea Task Force articles we have.  They cover sneak peaks, pictures, and information about the new set.  Remember that Task Force officially goes on sale this Friday.  If you haven’t pre-ordered boosters it may not be too late to pick some up at your local gaming store.

Without further adieu here is the gallery of pictures.  Don’t forget to click the pictures for a closer look.  You can click them a second time for the best resolution.

War at Sea: Task Force Sneak Peek Stats

War at Sea: Task Force officially releases tomorrow but we’ve already shared the complete set list with all of you.  Now we have the pleasure of sharing stats for the Hellcat (USN), Haruna (IJN), Yamashiro (IJN), Musashi (IJN), King George V (UK) and Warspite (UK).  This information comes to me courtesy of our newest member Extended_Range.

We will have pictures of minis and stat cards in an upcoming article.

Without further adieu here are the stats courtesy of Extended_Range.

USN Hellcat:

Cost: 10 pts.

Guns: 3

Anti-Air: 8

Armor: 7

Vital Armor: 10

Hull Points: 1

Special Abilities: Combat Air Patrol, Advanced fighter (2 extra dice against Fighters). Escort

IJN Haruna

Cost: 38 Pts

All stats same as Kongo

No Flagship bonus

Special Abilities: Evade Bombs: once per game, when this unit is the target of a bomb attack, you may roll a dice.  On a 4 or higher, the bomb attack misses.

Bombard:  Once per game, instead of making a mani gunnery attack, this unit can bombard your opponent’s land airbase if this unit is in your opponent’s ship deployment area.  At the end of that turn, place 2 additional rearming counters next to each aircraft at the airbase.

IJN Yamashiro:

Cost: 43 pts.

Main Guns: 13 12 11 11

Secondary Guns: 2 6 5 5 4

Tertiary Guns: 3 4 4 3

Anti-Air: 7

Armor: 8

Vital Armor: 13

Hull Points: 5

Flagship Bonus 1

Special Abilities: Slow 1, Extended Range 4, Torpedo Defense 1, Masked guns:  If you  win initiative, this unit rolls two extra attack dice when making Main Gunnery attacks within Range 2 this turn

IJN Musashi

Points: 66 pts.

Same stats as Yamato

Flagship Bonus 1

Special Abilities: Anti-Air Barrage (can make 2 AA attacks against separate targets, 2nd attack at 5 dice), Extended Range 4, Torpedo Defense 1

HMS King George V

Cost: 51 pts

Main Guns: 15 15 13 12

Secondary Guns: 2 5 5 4

Anti-Air: 7

Armor: 9

Vital Armor: 15

Hull Points: 5

Special Abilities: Jammed Mount:  (Roll a dice before main gunnery attack-on a 1, this unit rolls 3 less attack dice for main gun until end of your next turn), Bristling with guns, Extended Range 4, Torpedo Defense 1

HMS Warspite

Main Guns: 15 15 14 12

Secondary Guns: 2 6 5 4 4

Tertiary Guns: 3 4 4 3

Anti-Air: 7

Armor: 8

Vital Armor: 14

Hull Points: 5

Flagship Bonus 1

Special Abilities: Slow 1, Extended Range 4, Long Shot 6: (Once per game, make a range 6 main gun attack against an enemy BB using range 3 dice)

War at Sea: Task Force Official Set List

I am pleased to share the War at Sea Task Force (Set 2) set list with all of you.  It comes to me courtesy of Extended_Range over at Axis & Allies foruMINI with much credit going to that forum for being a great community to discuss War at Sea.

I have also confirmed the set list with the two cases of miniatures I have purchased.  Remember that Task Force officially goes on sale this Friday.  If you haven’t pre-ordered boosters it may not be too late to pick some up at your local gaming store.

Without further adieu here is the set list as shared by Extended_Range.

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CWF-2008-4-10 News, Server Move Complete, Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis, and Musical Guest Black Crowes

Episode 36 with Jonathan as your host discussing News, Server Move Complete, Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis, and musical guest Black Crowes.

Show Length: 43:26

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00:00 Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

02:16 News

02:21 Event Countdowns @ CWF

War @ Sea at Battleground Games on Wednesdays

‘Ard Boyz Tournaments for 40k

Havoc XXIV in 14 Days

Total Confusion XXII Presents All Day Boardgaming at Rising Phoenix Games in Leicester on April 19th

7:02 Battlegrounds Special Offers

D&D 4th Edition Offer – Pre-order & pre-pay all 3 core books and be entered to win a free case of D&D minis.

Battleground d20 20% Off Coupon

8:53 Music to Game By Check Out “Goodbye Daughters of the Revolution” by Black Crowes

14:06 Server Move Complete/New Changes

Server Move Complete

25:20 New England Podcasters Promo

26:09 Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis

Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis = Cheap Models

Axis & Allies Minis Articles

32:07 Inside No Quarter #17 March 08

Inside No Quarter #17

40:15 Please send us feedback. E-mail it to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com. Use the Contact Us Page. Go to iTunes and leave a comment. Send an IM to cwforums on AIM.

41:29 Next cast will be Wednesday April 10, 2008

42:52 Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)