Monsterpocalypse Official Playtest Photos

Raven\'s AvatarPrivateer Press, the makers of the new game Monsterpocalypse, have released photos of official playtesting.  The pics are pretty sweet giving a nice overview of how the game is setup and some of the new figs.  We’ve made them available below for your viewing pleasure.

Don’t forget to ask your friendly local gaming store to order Monsterpocalypse when it comes out.  You can stay up to date with Monsterpocalypse news by reading this blog, listening to our podcast, and reading No Quarter Magazine.

Black Gobbo 115 Available

The new Black Gobbo issue 115 is now available. It has daemons, daemons, and more daemons. This issue is a must read for daemonic cultists. Check it out at Black Gobbo E-zine 115.

Issue #115 is decent but too heavy on the daemons. It appears to have an error with the Masque of Slaanesh but that isn’t it.  The first is for 40k and the second is for Fantasy.  It would’ve been nice, however, if they did an article on Masque of Slaanesh and another on a different Chaos God to mix it up.  Can you spot the real error?  If not I reveal it below.

That said the 40k and Fantasy Army Lists are the highlights of this Black Gobbo.  The Masque of Slaanesh is a nice peek but nothing special.

All in all Black Gobbo 115 is mediocre at best and subpar when compared to some great past issues. I think it is worth 2.5 stars and necessary for Daemon players.

Waiting for that error to be revealed?  Clicking the pictures will take you to the corresponding article.  But, clicking the picture for the 40k Daemon List will take you to the 40k Masque of Slaanesh article.  Tsk tsk tsk Black Gobbo team you made an error.  Thankfully it is an easy problem to fix.  Hopefully they read this blog so they know what to mend.

The Warstore Newsletter Issue 2 May 2008


Raven\'s AvatarTheWarstore, that great discount online store, has just published the 2nd issue of their newsletter for May 2008.  It has a lot of great stuff inside and we’ve reproduced it below for your enjoyment.  Please send an e-mail to to find out how to subscribe.  It is worth the effort. 



New Confrontation / AT-43

Brand New at TheWarStore are the new Wulfen, and Karman Models. Just released are the Wolfen Army book, Throne of Stars, and Wolfen Hunters. Also new are the Griffons Spearmen & Spearmen attachment boxes, and the Lions faction cards.  Bring home the Monkeys and the Wulfen today!

# Pre-Orders

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Monsterpocalypse Comic Releases Fall 2008

Raven\'s AvatarPrivateer Press has issued a press release about their upcoming comic miniseries focusing on Monsterpocalypse.  It is reprinted below.

Privateer Press and Across the Pond Studios have teamed up to create a new comic miniseries, published by Desperado, introducing the world of giant monsters from Privateer Press’ upcoming Monsterpocalypse Collectible Miniatures Game (CMG).

Across the Pond Studios is working closely with the game designer and creator of Monsterpocalypse Matt Wilson to bring the world of the game to life on the comic page. In addition to creative direction from Matt Wilson, the series credits include story by Stephan Nilson (Smallville and Batman Strikes), script by Jason Avery and Stephan Nilson, pencils by Karl Waller (X-Men and Motorhead), inks by Rick Bonilla (Atomik Mike), coloring by Barry Williams (Atomik Mike), and cover art supplied by the Privateer Press stable of artists. 

This is a great way to reach out to comic fans in addition to gamers thereby expanding the game’s base.  PP is further expanding on this in two ways.  First, people who collect issues 1-3 of the comic will be able to get a FREE Limited Edition Mega Sky Sentinel.  This method has been used by PP before in conjunction with No Quarter Magazine and Warmachine (limited edition Eiryss).

Secondly, anyone who goes to the San Diego Comicon in July can get a FREE issue #0 of the comic at the Privateer Press booth.

FREE Nine Inch Nails Album The Slip

Raven\'s AvatarThis is not exactly gaming news but it is news for gamers so it belongs here.  If you’ve been living under a pile of dice you are one of the few people oblivious to this news.  The Nine Inch Nails have released a new album to thank their fans for their loyalty and devotion.

The album is titled The Slip and it is a great album.  What makes this album extra special is it is FREE.  You saw correctly.  The album is 210% F-R-E-E.  It is available, for FREE yes I love saying that, online for download.  They provide a bunch of versions but rather than make you go all over the place we have made a lossless version of it available here.

How can we legally do this?  NIN released the album under a Creative Commons License and told downloaders to edit, revise, share, distribute, and blog the album any way they please.  They gave us free reign and I am taking the bull by the horns and giving the album to YOU.

Go to Nine Inch Nails FREE Album to download it for yourself.  You have two choices to make when you get there.  You can download the zipped version, great for those on dialup, and then unzip it after it downloads.  Or, you can pick what songs you want to download from this list.  Either way you can’t lose.

All tracks, and there are 10 songs, are in m4a file format.  This is a lossless (meaning it sounds as good, if not better than, as CD quality) file type that plays on iPods, in iTunes, on Macs, and on Windows machines.  They will work on Windows XP and Windows Vista and should work on all other mp3 players.

Download the album, put it on your iPod, and listen to it while you game and while you paint and while you say how happy you are that NIN released a FREE album.  You can also listen to it while you say how much you love the CWF Game Cast.  Who loves you?  Who loves you baby!