Monsterpocalypse Blog

Privateer Press sent a recent e-mail about their upcoming game Monsterpocalypse.  Everyone who signed up for Monsterpocalypse news should have received the e-mail.  It contained some exciting news about a new blog devoted to the game.

Below you can see the entire e-mail they sent.  It is quite interesting.


Psst! Hey you! Yes, you!

Here’s some Monsterpocalypse™ news just for subscribers to the Monster Watch



Industry veteran Erik Yaple, our new head of Monsterpocalypse development,

has started a blog to give you an insider’s look at the development of the

CMG.  You can find it at:


He’s kicking things off with a little background on his own bad self, and

sharing the exciting details of the game already in development. Here’s a



“One of the aspects of the game that really surprised me was the ‘power

attacks’. These special moves allow you to address your opponent’s models in

a plethora of unique ways. You can throw your opponent’s monster through

buildings and into vats of radioactive material or knock buildings over onto

your opponent’s models to crush them. While power attacks are the cherry on

top of the ice cream sundae of awesomeness that is Monsterpocalypse…”


In the days and weeks to come Erik will be bringing you the inside scoop on

the development of the game.  Tell your friends you heard about it here

first, and that they can sign up for the Monster Watch Newsletter too at


Spread the word!


SW Minis – Jabba’s Palace Quest

Over the past few weeks I’ve re-immersed myself in SW Minis with a goal in mind.  I’ve chosen to collect figures with certain themes and then display those figures.  My first theme is Jabba’s Palace.  I want to collect any and all figures from Return of the Jedi that existed in Jabba’s Palace with a concentration on Jabba’s Throne Room, Luke’s battle with the Rancor, and the scenes at the Great Sarlacc.

I always speak with my FLGS before attempting any projects.  They usually have what I need in stock or can get their hands on it.  This time I had to use the backup plan…eBay.  Thankfully none of you outbid me on the first wave.

eBay is a wonderful resource and a playground for misfortune.  I picked up several key pieces and managed to purchase two Jabba minis.  One of those will be going back on eBay and I will be better off learning from the mistake.  Don’t track too many auctions for the same item and most assuredly don’t bid on them all.  Shame on me!

I chose to start with one of the most expensive and difficult to obtain pieces.  He’s vile, green, slimy, and did I mention he’s a criminal mastermind?  Jabba the Hutt, aka Jabba Desilijic Tiure, is the force behind Jabba’s Palace.  Without Jabba we are left with the B’omarr Monks and their monastery.  That’s not exactly thrilling fare.

After spending a hefty sum Jabba became mine.  I followed suit with Slave Leia, called Princess Leia Captive in the game, and Jabba’s majordomo Bib Fortuna.  This complements my existing Boba Fett and other henchmen found in the palace.  I need to pick up a Rancor and Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight (from Rebel Storm) to complete the set.  An appropriate Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Boushh would also be nice.

WP 2.5 Woes

There are a lot of nice features in WP 2.5.  The increased stability and functionality are also major boosts.  But, there are also some drawbacks.  For us, there has been a very irritating problem when using the Write Post ability.

That is a major concern because that is the way we communicate on the blog.  When writing a post an error message is given by the web browser saying there is an unresponsive script.  This is caused by the custom fields, which many plugins use to enhance functionality.

WP 2.5 instituted significant changes to how plugins work and interact with WordPress.  Our problems became pandemic when we upgraded to WP 2.5.  The benefits outweigh the negatives as far as our usage of the new version.  But, in order to make the blog usable for people to write new posts we had to take away some of the features.

We have removed two key features and modified another.  It is no longer possible to rate articles.  It is also not possible to read an article and see related content listed at the bottom.  Both of these created hundreds of custom fields, each, that triggered the error.

Additionally, we experienced major problems with podPress and became quite perturbed.  Podpress is a plugin that enables us to podcast and share the podcast with all of you.  We have deleted the plugin and done a fresh install to restore functionality.

All of our actions have resulted in a 99% success rate.  When using Firefox we still receive the unresponsive script error.  But, it does not show in Safari and we expect it won’t show in Internet Explorer.

You can view the blog with any browser.  But, if you are going to write posts we recommend using Safari for Mac and IE on Windows machines.  We continue to look for a complete solution but this will have to do for the meantime.

GW’s Flavor of the Month

GW seems to be mending their less than friendly customer relations. Good product, better customer relations, better content in WD. Win, win, win. Right?

WD #334 was a really good issue. It had some great Apocalypse and High Elf coverage plus a useful LoTR article that can be helpful in other systems. All was good for a month until WD #335. What the hell went wrong with issue 335?

GW is still utilizing the flavor of the month approach to sales, last month was all Apocalypse and HE all the time, and now it is some Apocalypse but mainly Space Orks and some LoTR all the time.

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