GW Army Release Dates

This was originally a page on this blog. We have since re-evaluated it and determined it works better as an article.  This has the added benefit of allowing us to tag it so you can find this more easily.  If you originally linked people to GW Army Release Dates please link them to this article instead.

This is a republishing of content that was made available here back in 2006. The information comes to us from Warseer.

We have taken the liberty to cross off projects that have been released. We have also amended the release date where available. If we have missed anything or don’t have the correct release dates please let us know. You can use our Contact Us form to submit that information. You can also use that form to send us new information on release dates.

All release dates below are unofficially official. The actual date of release may differ but all titles in this list are scheduled for release.

WFB 7th Ed (Sep 06)
WFB O&G (Sep/Oct 06)
W40k Eldar (Nov/Dec 06)
WFB Empire (Mar 07)

W40k DA (May/Jun 07)
WFB Campaign
W40k Orks (Aug 07)
WFB Campaign (Nagash – new minis for some races – inc CD Character (could be the 2 handed axe mini that was actually seen by one of my sources?))
LotR (as yet un-named) (Sep 07) Harad?
WFB VC (Oct/Nov 07) March 08
W40k CSM (Dec 07/Jan 08)
WFB HE (Mar 08)
W40k Dark Eldar (Q3 08) or could be Blood Angels
WFB Skaven (Q4 08) (could change places with DE)
W40k Space Wolves (Q1 09)
LotR (allegedly “the Hobbit”??)
WFB DE (Q2 09)
W40k ?/CSM (maybe chapter specific)
W40k Campaign
WFB Chaos Dwarfs (Q3 09)
W40k ?/CSM (maybe chapter specific)

Server Move Complete

This was originally posted on Thursday March 20th. The reason why the date is different is a result of having to fix a problem with the blog after the big move.

Hello everyone. We are proud to announce the server move is completed. We are now located on our account with BlueHost and up and running. There have been some hiccups and there are still some problems. But, we’re working to fix what we can.

Most noticeable was our downtime from Tuesday until today. The move happened ahead of time and conflicting tech support information resulted in the downtime and lots of headaches. If it wasn’t for my friend Shane the mess will be continuing. Also, you’ll notice that in the move we lost some key features. The theme may not work the same as before, the widgets (things in the sidebar) are different and/or missing. We don’t have the widgets that showed our podcast feed information, our polls, the post ratings, or any of the great widgets that set the blog apart from the crowd. We also don’t have the same settings for the blog that we did before.

We are starting from scratch, in many areas, which is a major headache. But, we do have all the posts and key data from before. So, all the articles and the tags are still here. We can still write articles and we can still podcast. There are some bumps to fix with Podpress, the plugin that makes our podcast available to everyone, and natually there is no podcast today.

This move has been a lot to digest and it had its ups and downs, mainly downs, but we’ve come through it with battle scars that result in a better blog and podcast. There are a lot of great opportunities with BlueHost and we can’t wait to make the most of them. We apologize to everyone for the changes, alterations, and problems. There is a loss of features and some functionality but we are working to fix everything as quickly as we can.

Server Move Information = No Podcast?

The massive server move is on our doorstep.  We have signed up with BlueHost, it is a long story…don’t ask, and have already transferred two domains onto their servers.  We will be moving this domain no later than Friday.  It is possible that this domain will be moved late Wednesday night or even on Thursday.

When the move happens the blog will be taken offline.  All articles and content will be saved and everything will be transferred to the new servers.  We will close down the blog before the move so that no data is lost.  Then, all the data will be uploaded to the new servers.  Once that is complete it will take 24-48 hours for the nameservers to update across the globe.

What that means is your web browser may not know that is supposed to point to our new servers.  The further you are from the server the longer it will take for that information to get updated.  We will post as soon as we are up but you may possibly lag behind that.  If so, don’t worry because time will fix that.

In light of this timeframe we are playing it by ear for this week’s podcast.  It is a very real possibility that we will have no podcast this week.  I am rolling lots of D6s to determine if we can do one or not.  But, I’d prefer to wait and create a better episode than rush through.

Please send all your questions about the server move to us.  Use our Contact form to submit your questions.  Lastly, after the move is complete we will be upgrading to WP 2.5 RC.  That is not the final release of WP 2.5 but it is a mostly stable version that Matt, the head developer for WordPress, uses on his personal blog.  WordPress 2.5 was not released on St. Patrick’s Day and you can read more about that in WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day.  You can find out more about WP 2.5 here.

WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day

Normally I wouldn’t post WordPress news here because we’re focused on gaming. But, WordPress is our platform for the blog and I’ve been talking about WP 2.5 for months now. According to the WordPress Testers mailing list, which is where people who beta test new versions of WordPress, WordPress 2.5 will NOT be released today.

Lloyd Budd said, “No. There will be a beta/release candidate before 2.5 is released. Watch for the announcment.”

WP 2.5 was originally scheduled for release one week ago today. It was pushed back to St. Patrick’s Day and no reason was given. Weblogtoolscollection, a great WP blog, had an article that announced the one week delay. There has been no official announcement changing the release date for WP 2.5. But, it was scheduled for release at 8pm EST according to Milestone 2.5, the official development tracker for WordPress. This means that we will know one way or another within the next 15 minutes or more.

Everyone wants WP 2.5 to be as stable and secure as possible. But, eventually there comes a time when software must be released no matter its condition. Matt Mullenweg, WordPress’ founding developer, has previously said that the nightly build beta test of WP 2.5 was so stable that he has been using it on his own blog, Photo Matt. Clearly, that shows that WP 2.5 is stable enough to be released despite bugs.

I prefer for any release to be very stable but if it is between that and waiting another week or more I’d prefer to have this version now and have fixes issued after the fact. It is my belief that I may be in the minority on that issue. But then again, if you look on the official WordPress forum you’ll see a lot of people wanting 2.5 to be released asap.

You can read Matt’s post on WP 2.5 RC (Release Candidate) here.